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Next day you woke up, and went straight to your office but this time to give your resignation letter to your boss.

You are already tired from the mess you are into right now, nothing is making sense for you.

You always have read books about a person being obsessed with someone and all..but now when all of that has happened with you, you understood how scary this is.

You couldn't even imagine that someone like him would do something like this. You always have that one thought in your mind that you should've guessed it from the start, but you were just so blind in the love that you didn't noticed his other side.

You don't want to know what happened with him in the past, the only thing that matters for you right now is that he, that person is obsessed with you, he has stalked you.

He clicked your pics without your permission.

You were in your deep thoughts , your eyes were red when the texi stopped in front of the office building.

You took a deep breath and went inside, oh hey y/n, long time no- you walked passed by one of your colleagues who was just trying to talk to you.

You straight went in his cabin, you knocked on the door come in, you went inside and stood in front of him.

Yeah what is it- he looked up, his eyes widened in complete shock, he leave those files on the table and got, y/n- he walked towards you as you moved back.

Here. You handed him the letter and stood there with folded hands, he was confused but after taking the envelope from your hand he took out the letter. He looks at you before reading it.

Y/n, you aren't going anywhere you understand that !! He said sternly. You scoffed and who are you to decide?

Your boyfriend ! He almost yelled, you aren't !! You yelled back and turned around to get out of his cabin, but he was fast enough to held your wrist and pull you towards him.

Didn't i said that you're mine, And I'm not letting you leave me just like that. He said calmly but you could feel the anger in his voice.

You struggled to get out of his grip, l-leave me Mr. Jeon !! You're just obsessed, it's not love !! Stop it.

You aren't my obsession, you're my love why don't you understand it. He turned you around and looked straight in your eyes.

Your eyes become teary, what do you want ? You calmly asked in shaking voice.
YOU !! He replied before moving back.

I'm not giving up on you- his sentence was cut off when taehyung entered the his cabin.

This isn't the right place to talk about this but lemme tell you my step brother, i ain't giving up on her either. Taehyung calmly said before coming up and standing beside you.

Your eyes were wide, what?
He ( taehyung) looked at you, not a right place to confess but nevermind, I'll do it. Right here, right now, right in front of him he coldly looked at him ( jungkook) and then again looked at you.

I like you y/n. Now at this moment you don't even know what to say, a chuckle left your mouth as you sighed.

This is making me insane. Why you both are dragging me in this stupid fight of yours !? You asked with anger in your voice.

They both looked at you, y/n , go home. Taehyung said, you don't have to tell me what to do or not . You said and left from there.

Going straight in your house you start to pack your clothes, you aren't going to live here anymore.

One of your aunt lives at the place in countryside, so you've decided to go there. You were so fcked up because of all of this.

Sorry for the late update 🥲
I hope you're liking it, don't forget to tell me your opinions in the comments.

Take care <3

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