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Another day at work, y/n was busy reading the schedule of her boss just when she realise she have to give him his coffee.

She knocked on the door as another voice came from inside, y/n walk in his office as she put the cup on his table
What is my schedule for today? He asked looking at the files.

You have a meet up with mr. Choi, and look for the project on which team 2 is working and then there is a meeting with the senior employees regarding the new project. Your schedule is a little clear today, so you can rest too! She smiled and put the tab in front of him

Ok! He replied as she bowed and left his office,
I don't even have a lunch with anyone today! Let's go with miss y/n then..

Hey y/n!
Yes Mike? She replied in these days she become quite comfortable around him too as he was the one who taught her so many things.

You know the project I'm working on, there is a little problem in that guide me a little! He said with a pleading voice
Ok I'll try! She said and start telling about the pros and cons and even some ways to solve this

Miss y/n they both looked up when they hear the familiar voice.
U-uh yes mr. Jeon? She asked standing up as his eyes went from y/n to Mike. What are you doing here Mike? He asked

I-i...that project i was having some problems in it so just asked miss y/n. He said looking down
You are on a high post, you should've guide others instead of asking for solutions from miss y/n! Jungkook said

Mike nodded and went from there.
Wth is wrong with him? Now someone can't even ask any doubt.
Miss y/n did you had your lunch? He asked as she looked up. No not yet sir!

Let's go then! He said as he start walking. But where? As much as i know you don't have any lunch with anyone?! She asked looking at the schedule once again.

That's why I'm asking you! Let's go have lunch together,now leave that and come fast! He said and walked from there leaving her in shocked
Is he sick or what? Ahh can't i even have my lunch peacefully.

After a awkward ride here we are in front of a restaurant. I was just about to open the door but he opened it for me. First not letting me drive the car now opening the car door
He is sick!! He really is sick!! I swear..

I smiled nervously more like awkwardly as i don't even know what has gotten into him. We Went inside and as usual the whole floor was empty he must've booked the whole floor.

Have a seat! He said as i sit on a window side and he sat in front of me.
Order what you want he said as i looked at him. I remember the time i came with him for a meeting lunch and he ordered some grass i mean salad!

Y-yeah! I look at the menu why everything is so expensive...i looked up and saw him looking at me. Wtf why is he looking at me like that now? I look at the menu again I'll have spaghetti.

Ok two spaghetti! He told the waiter as i looked at him in complete shock.
Mr. Jeon you don't like oil and spice i mean you just ordered i asked being absolutely confused by his behaviour.

You like it so I'll like it too! He said i nodded wait what did he said! I looked at him as he was busy looking outside Mann!! I think he hit his head somewhere. I should call a doctor for him.

Here is your order sir and mam! The waiter said as i smiled and thank him.
Everything was so awkward as i was just holding the fork and didn't even realise.

Why aren't you eating? He asked as i looked down.
I-i'm! After cursing myself almost forty-five times for shuttring i eat it and looked at him.
He ate it? This fast? Something is seriously wrong with him

Shall we go mr. Jeon? I asked politely as he nodded. After paying the bill we went out and as usual he insist to drive the car by himself so without making him angry i just agreed.

It's time for your meeting with senior employees! I recall him about the meeting as he nodded.

We went back to the office and directly in the meeting. After discussing the project with everyone i went back to my workplace and same with mr. Jeon.

Mr. Choi and him are busy discussing something as i look around I've already completed most of my work
Should i go meet my best friend. I mean i miss him anyways.

I got up and went towards taehyung's office. I knocked on the door and saw him looking up from his laptop
Y/n!! He said excitedly and hugged me. How are you? He asked as i laugh I'm very well! What about you?

I'm good too! Btw how are you here? Like what about mr. Jeon? He asked. He is busy in his meeting which is not going to end soon so i just came i replied and went to sit on the couch.

So did he apologize? Is he over working you? Taehyung asked. Let's not Bring that topic again! And about over working it's my job so I'm ok with it!

His behaviour is so changed today i don't know what has gotten into him!? First he asked me to go for a lunch then drive the car by himself open the car door for me and even ate the spaghetti like mr. Jeon did all of this can you believe? I asked looking at him. Who was looking at the wall

Ofcourse i can believe! He will do more of these things now!

He really did this? Woah he said and laugh yeah! *Chuckle*
Go with me on a lunch too y/n! He asked out of blue as y/n looked at him huh?

On a lunch, With me! He repeated as she smiled and nodded her head as yes! Ofcourse I'll go, you aren't asking me on a date are you? She asked
Yes!! What do you think why I'm asking you than!!??!

A friendly date! He said and wink at her making her laugh I'll go now! Bye she went back to her work place and look at the clock his meeting should be done by now and she was right he called her inside his office

Yes mr. Jeon? She asked as he turned around and look at her. He has removed his blazer and was only in white shirt and black pants. He always looked this handsome or i just noticed today?! Wth! What are you thinking kim y/n!! Get a hold on Yourself..

Miss y/n, where on the earth are you? He asked standing in front of her this was my fourth time calling you he said as i mentally slapped myself.

You really aren't lost somewhere right? He asked looking straight in her eyes...she backed off suddenly y-yeah Mr. Jeon! Why did you call me? She asked as he smile and pointed towards the files

Can you read them a little!? I've already did but you read it too and tell me if there is anything wrong he said as she nodded and left his office

What is wrong with you kim y/n!!??...what is actually wrong with him? He smiled....h-he..oh god I'm going crazy! Don't forget that you hate him!! He stole your first kiss without your permission kim y/n!!

To be continue....

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