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Maybe i did told him? I don't know...but i didn't i was fighting with my thoughts when i hear the car horn miss y/n, you still here? Come I'll drop you he said as i went towards his car no it's ok mr. Jeon, I'll go by myself i smiled and went from there before he could say something.

Coming home as i plopped myself on the couch and keep the bouquet on the table, what's with him? Whatever he is doing from some past days is really weird and even about these flowers how did he know i like these flowers? Did he ask my colleagues?

Should i ask him? I shouldn't right - I'm forgetting something office...OMG I HAVE TO GO OFFICE!! i mentally cursed myself and run towards my room, after getting ready as i look myself in the mirror for the last time.

Knocking on his cabin's door as he told me to come inside... Good morning mr. Jeon, how are you feeling now? I asked keeping the coffee in front of him very well since you're here! He said smiling at me as i just keep looking at him

W-what do you mean?i asked i mean give me my schedule he said sternly what is with him!?? O-ok! Here..you have to go see the location for the new branch, then you have a meeting with mr. Kang and mr. Choi and most importantly you have to take your medicines on time! I explained his all of his schedule

Sure! He said smiling a bit but wait his tie..mr. jeon your tie? I said looking towards his collar did he forget? Oh! Can you help me with this miss y/n? He asked as i nodded and ask him to stand, she was busy putting the tie and didn't notice that someone was continuously looking at her

Did i told you this, that you're looking pretty today? He said out of blue as i look up, my eyes widened when i realise how close we both are. our lips were just inches apart, i could feel his breath on my lips.

But soon enough we hear a knock on the door as i suddenly backed off, i could feel the heat on my cheeks as i look down. Come in he said as the person walked in i turned around and saw taehyung. He looked at me then mr. Jeon

I just bowed and went out from his cabin, sighing loudly as i sit on my chair and started to work but that moment i mean whatever that happened right now keep coming in front of my eyes. His face, his eyes, his smile arghh what's wrong with you y/n!! Stop stop, stop thinking about him!

Aren't you being too close with her? Taehyung said as jungkook just smirk are you scared that i might snatch her away from you? He asked facing him completely.

Why her?? Taehyung said yelling a bit yeah, that's my question!! Why HER??!! jungkook said angrily jungkook listen, you took everything already. The place which should be mine is yours now so please not y/n! Taehyung said coming towards him

I didn't take this place! Dad gave me. Fight with him not me! Jungkook replied back with the same anger. You don't even like her!! Taehyung said as jungkook's hands turned into a fist.. how do you know??? What if I do!?? Jungkook said

Ms. Y/n can you please give this file to mr. Jeon? One of my colleague asked as i took the file from her and nodded my head thanku she smiled and went back. I read the files and it was important for his recent meeting i had to give him this now.

I knocked on his door but there was no response as i knocked again still no response what happened to him? And taehyung? I knocked again this time a little loudly but still there is no response.

I got worried so i just open the door a little but my eyes widened when i hear them yelling at each other
You're my step brother but still dad give you all of his business! Tell me why i shouldn't hate you! Taehyung said as i close the door and sit on my chair

So they both are step brothers?! How? What the actual hack! I suppose not to listen their talks, it's their personal matter..ok y/n stop thinking about this let's forget that you even hear this!

To be continue...

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Take care, byee 💜

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