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Coming out from my thoughts as i start reading those files, after some time i felt i tap on my shoulder as i looked up and saw him smiling brightly.

Taehyung, what are you doing here? I asked closing the file as he spoke we are free tomorrow so we will go on a lunch tomorrow! It's our holiday afterall i smiled and nodded my head as yes

As you say! I said and start analysing the file again. Okay I'll go now miss kim he said and bowed making me slap his shoulder lightly shut up already i said as he laughed and went from there.

Tomorrow? *Chuckle* no no no! You are going to be with me tomorrow miss y/n!

*After some time*
Mr. Jeon i read all the files and that's all ok...you will have some meetings in future regarding these projects i said and put the files on his table as he nodded.

She bowed and left his cabin.

*Next day*
*Message from taehyung*
I'll come to pick you up after 10 mins be ready y/n!

A smile appear on my lips as i saw this message..as i replied and start getting ready. After getting ready as i saw the time but soon enough hear the doorbell indicating that he is here.

We went to a restaurant it wasn't that five star restaurant and neither it was all empty. This restaurant was perfect my favourite food and taehyung's jokes.

After some chit chats i hear my phone rings. Taking out my phone from my bag as i look at the caller ID "Mr. Jeon"
What does he want now?? i looked up and saw taehyung with a confused look.

I excuse myself and went to take the call. Yes mr. Jeon?
Miss y/n can you come right now it's urgent *cough* he said as his voice sound so weak making me worried
Omg are you ok? Wait I'm coming i said as i run towards taehyung

I need to go, mr. Jeon is sick i guess I'm really sorry but i really have to go sorry! I said as he ressure me that it's ok and he will drop me there.

*After some time*
I open the door of his room and found him laying on his bed what happened mr. Jeon? Are you ok? I asked walking towards him as he looked at me i g-guess i have fever he said in a low voice.

Lemme check just when i was about to put my hand on his forehead he turned around. i went down and cook some porridge for him, here eat this i said as i sit beside him giving him the porridge he looked at the bowl and then me

Feed me he said as i looked at him with wide eyes you aren't a kid eat by yourself i said as i got up please miss y/n! He said, his voice was still low as i just sighed loudly and feed him.. take these medicines and rest no need to come office tomorrow if you aren't completely fine I'll tell you about your schedule here i said as he nodded like a kid

I sit on the couch which was in his room it was so late he didn't allow me to go alone and asked me to stay here only, i didn't even know when i fall asleep on the couch.

Waking up as i found a blanket on top of me as i recall what happened last night i looked up and saw the bed was empty you woke up! Hearing a voice as i sit back straight yeah! I'll leave now i said and got up

And how are you feeling?? I asked again as i saw him smiling I'm ok! I'm feeling better thank you for taking care of me and please do breakfast then you can go he added as i just nod

We did our breakfast i asked him to not to go office today but a ceo will always be a ceo he didn't listen so i just agree but asked him to take his medicines on time I'll leave now mr. Jeon! I said

Wait he said as he went to take something and he come back with a bouquet?
Here, thank you for taking care of me yesterday i know you like these flowers so i wanted to give them to you as a thank you gift he said as he handed me the bouquet

Smiling awkwardly as i take the bouquet from his hands you didn't have to, thank you I'll leave now i bowed as he smiled, walking out from his house as i stopped in my track when i realise that how he know that these are my favourite flowers?

I never told him that....

To be continue.....

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