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It was almost night so you decided to have a walk outside, after helping your aunt with dinner you came outside till your uncle come and you all will be doing the lunch together.

You were sitting on the ground near a Lake, it was pretty. The moon, the shadow of the moon in the lake, the trees around you, everything was peaceful at that moment.

Soon you felt someone sitting beside you, you turned around and saw Lara, your cousin sister. She is five years older than you and always supported you like a older sister. Even when you wanted to get a job there she helped you a lot.

How's job? She asked sitting straight, you looked at her and then looked ahead with a deep breath. I-its good. You lied... clearly. Not wanting them to be worried about you and get involve in the mess you're in.

I hope your boss doesn't keep order you around. She laughed, oh and you told me you promoted as his secretary, being a secratary must be so busy right? Always stay around your boss , be prepared for all the works, take notes of everything even hear you boss's yelling. You chuckled and nodded.

Kind of..but it's alright, you get used to it with the time. You replied as she smiled, it was the moment of silence until she saw someone behind a car. She focused towards the car before getting up. You noticed her and looked towards the car too, is everything alright? You asked getting up.

Yeah... let's go inside. Thinking that it must be her hallucinations or something she asked you to go inside.

Right now you were just laying on your bed, eyes closed. Just thinking about all the Chaos that happened in last one month... it's all a mess. The one who you think of someone, you love turned out to be your stalker and the one who you think of, as your bestfriend turned out to be someone who likes you.

You suddenly get up and and took a deep breath. It was a past...a past is past, I'll find a new job here. I'll start everything new. You smiled to yourself and went to sleep with a peaceful mind.

*Next morning*
You woke up with a happy mind, helped your aunt in everything , when lara came towards you. Y/n ,will you like to come with me?? I'll show you around my work place. You smiled and nodded.

You wanted to focus on something new so you could divert your mind, and this is the perfect thing. You got ready and went with your sister. She parked her car and bid you a goodbye before heading inside.

You take a deep breath and looked around. You saw a park there, so you decided to go and sit there for a while. Two kids were playing there so just went and sit there while looking at everyone.

The park wasn't much crowded as it's a working hour. There were only five people , including you. So it was quite peaceful. Suddenly a ball come towards you as the kid waved at you. Asking you to give him the ball.

You chuckled and pick up the ball, but when you were about to move ahead you felt there's someone following you, or staring at you. You looked behind and furrowed your brows. Maybe I'm hallucinating?? I mean ofcourse there will be many people here. You thought looking at the peoples going from one place to another.

After shrugging the thoughts you gave the ball to the kid. He smiled sweetly and thanked you. Before continuing playing. Should i tell lara everything? You mumbled to yourself. Or should i go back to Seoul? You weren't sure if it's ok to tell them everything and stay here.

You take out your mobile and turned it on. You saw many messages and calls from taehyung and jungkook. Should i tell taehyung where I'm? He must be worried. You thought before just shaking your head. Nope, if he get to know, jungkook will get to know it too.

And i really don't want to meet any of them. Specially jungkook. In the meantime you decided to do some search for jobs. Incase you decided to go Seoul.

After some hours, your sister came. Let's go home y/n. Tell me what did you do in the whole day? She asked smiling at you. Yeah.. you both were walking, continuously talking with each other. When you again felt someone is following you so you held lara's hand, giving her a sign that maybe there's someone behind.

You both kept walking and when you saw there's no place to hide you both turned around and saw a man, half drunk, and was walking towards you both with a grin. You both backed off and decided to run towards the crowded area first.

You both started to run, he ran towards you both and held lara's wrist causing her to almost fall on the ground. You glared at him, leave her!!!! You pulled Lara's hand out of his grip with all your strength.

That man put a hand on your shoulder, but you were quick enough to react. You moved your shoulder and pushed him as he fall on his back. Before he could do anything else a man in black cap and all black clothes come and held him by his collar. You can go miss. I'll take care of him.

You both were just trying to calm yourself down, lara held your hand and take a look at that man again before you both went away from there. What the heck was that? You were almost out of breath as you guys reached your house.

What a creep. Lara whispered, i know right. You whispered back and went straight in your room. Thanks to that man- wait..who was he by the way? He just came there out of blue . It's like he was finding a right moment to attack that drunk creeper.

*On call*
Did he touched her!? He yelled from the other side of the phone, s-sir...he did but ma'am pushed him he couldn't do much and i was there. I didn't let him do anything after that. That terrifying man said.

Just throw him somewhere, How dare he touch what's mine? And you better take care of my y/n. He ordered and cut the call.

2 days later, it was early morning. You were outside with lara and your aunt, she was showing the neighbour area and even introducing you to her friends. After some time you stopped in front of a store.

Aunty you sit here, me and lara will buy everything. Your aunt nodded and tapped your head. You and lara were busy finding the products. When you saw your favourite drink there i should get it. There's only one left. You smiled and went towards the shelf where it was kept.

The moment you were about to take it, someone else picked it up. Hey- you looked up and your eyes got stuck. You both stopped moving. Just staring each other continuously, t-taehyung....

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