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They did their lunch as y/n and taehyung Both went down to complete their work and same with seokjin and namjoon!
Y/n was still curious who was namjoon? And how are they all so friendly and comfortable around jungkook as they knows him from a long time but she didn't said anything as she thought it will be a little inappropriate to invade in their privacy!

They enter in the cabin as they both sat there! She saw taehyung who was still looking angry/cold
Wait but why??...
Y/n shrugged it off and start working again...
You seem confused about something y/n? What it is? He asked out of blue as y/n look at him questioning with herself that if she should ask him or not! But after fighting with herself she thought of asking him...

Uhm...how you all are so close mr. Jeon?? And who was that guy? Namjoon? She finally asked as taehyung chuckled
We are childhood bestfriends or i say cousins... namjoon hyung and seokjin hyung are real brothers and they are our uncle's sons! And me and Jungkook he stopped for a moment as y/n look at him.

We are bestfriends! He said as he look at y/n who was still looking at him in confusion
Didn't you just said son of "OUR" uncle?? She asked
As taehyung was just going to answer this they both stopped when they hear a stern voice
Miss y/n you're here to do work hope you remember that! Jungkook said as they both look at him y/n nodded her head and say a little sorry!

Don't mind him! Taehyung said as y/n smiled a little and start working!

*After some time*
It was time to go home as y/n walked out of her cabin bid a goodbye to her colleagues and then taehyung!
Hey, y/n come I'll drop you! He said
Ah no! It's ok i can go by myself! Y/n said as she bowed to him but stop as he laughs
Come on! First of all why so formal?? Second we are friends and we didn't even talk much here bcoz of work so let's go! He said smiling a little
Y/n chuckled and nodded her head as yes! Ok let's go!

Aren't they both sooo close???...

Y/n came home as she plopped herself on the couch!
Arghh! Such a tiring day!
*After some time*
*Y/n's pov*
I was just using my mobile but then i saw lot's of emails i thought to ignore them as I'm too lazy to check them but what if they are important
I check those emails and bhoom!! Wtf is this!

Mr. Jeon jungkook
Miss y/n there are some files hope you can complete it till tomorrow morning!
As These files are important for my tomorrow's meeting.
Have a great day!

Wow what a great day! Aren't they too much! Arghhh!
I yelled in frustration but ofcourse i can't do anything!

She open her laptop and start doing all the work!!

*Next morning*
Ouch!! I woke up with so much pain on my neck and back! And then i realise i just slept while doing the work mr. Jeon ask me too!
What time is it? I look at the clock omg wth!! I hurriedly got up
I'm late I'm late I'm late!!!!!

I hurriedly went to take shower and changed into a formal outfit! No time for breakfast as i run outside
Okk on time! I guess- i nervously laugh and went inside the office and straight in mr. Jeon's cabin!

Come in
Here are your files i said as he looked up and signal me to keep them on the table
Sit here i have to check these files he said as my eyes widened uhm- but i have to-
No buts miss y/n do as i say! He said strictly as i had no choice so i just did what he ask me to
Ok you did it correctly! I hope you do all your work like that and more i hope you only focus on your work instead of being friends with OTHERS! He said as i just nodded

You can go! I got up but stopped when u hear something
You have to come here again anyways
Did you say something?
No! He said and start doing his work again!
Nvm why do i care!

To be continue.......
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