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You backed off and turned around as if he'll disappear. What are you doing here? He asked, as you closed your eyes tightly before turning around to face him. I-i...why are you here? You asked.

Because of some business purpose. He answered as you nodded. I came to visit my aunt. He smiles lightly before nodding and looking around. Uh...you also looked everywhere except him.

When your both's eyes met. And you don't know why you couldn't turn around, as if you were lost in his eyes. Y/n, let's go-... your sister came from behind as he looked at you both. Is he your friend? She asked looking at him and then back at you. Uh...yeah, i mean he is my colleague, i was working under him before i promoted to the position of secretary. Your sister nodded and greeted him.

Why don't you come to our house? Let's have lunch together. Your sister asked him as you looked at him and then to your sister. No no..i mean he's busy, he don't have time , right taehyung? You looked at him signalling him to agree.

No, I'm not that busy, i can come for some time. He smiles before answering. You sighed. I'm not going home....

Why I'm here...? You silently cries sitting in front of Taehyung , with your aunt by his side and your sister by your side. Have some more dear. Your aunt offers him more food while you just silently ate and glance at him time to time.

When are you coming back y/n? He asked as you glare at him, knowing very well what game is he playing. Soon...very soon. I can't miss on work you know. laughing nervously you continued eating.

After some time, you were helping your sister and aunt with the dishes. You got a handsome friend. Your sister whispered as your eyes widened, he's not my friend...just a colleague. Your sister chuckled and nodded, yeah yeah....

After everything you walked out in the garden with taehyung behind you. You both stood together looking at the beautiful scenery in front of you. I'm sorry...he says making you sigh, why are you sorry?

I made you uncomfortable that day didn't i? You know he didn't made you uncomfortable, but you didn't know what to say at that point. Don't worry. You didn't. You could see him smiling lightly with your peripheral vision. You aren't coming back ? He asked as you looked at him.

I don't know.... depends. You fastly switch your position once you felt like someone is clicking your pictures or something. What's going on these days!? Taehyung looks at you worriedly. What happened? He looks towards the same direction as you.

Y/n? You gulped and just shrugged your shoulder. Just overthinking i guess. He nodded but still wasn't sure. You should go back i guess. I mean it's getting late, you need to work. You says looking at your wrist watch, he looked at you and then sighed. Yeah...bye, for now i guess. You smiles before waving bye...

Uhm... would you mind if we like....uhm... I'm free after work, so if you want we can go on a walk . He scratches the back of his head. You don't know why, but you just wanted to spend some time with him. Sure. He smiles and waved at you before leaving.

You still weren't sure about your feelings. But because you've been very closed with him since the day you joined the company. You missed his presence around you. Not being able to neglect this thing that he's been that friend that you've always wanted.

It was around 6 pm, as you both were walking on the streets. No one was saying anything, so you decided to break this awkward silence. Sorry for my behaviour that day. I talked way too rudely to you.

That's alright, anyone would've behaved like this i guess. Forget all those things, I'm not saying forget someone you liked before or you still like i don't know, but considering what he did in the past... it's better if you stop thinking about that and keep hurting yourself.

I'll be leaving soon too. You can do whatever you want. If you want to live here, start over, do it. I'm always here to help. And I'm always rooting for you in what you do.....there was a moment of silence before he speaks again. As a friend.

A smile crept on your face. Thank you you whispered as you both looked at each other. And you know... before you could speak further you saw a shadow of someone coming behind you both with a knife?...and before you could react further that person runs towards taehyung.

Tae !! You screamed and pulled him towards yourself with all your strength. That man stumbles and fall on the road. You both looked at him with wide eyes as he ran without looking back. What the heck?? You took a deep breath.

He was coming towards you? Thank god i saw him on time...are you ok? You looked at him with concern in your eyes. Not noticing the male in front of you was busy admiring you. But soon he diverted his gaze and just nodded. What was that? He looked around.

He stops when he saw a car in the parking lot, it looks familiar....he thought as he started to walk towards the car, when you stopped him from behind. Where are you going? You asking standing beside him. He looked at the car and then back at you with a smile. Nowhere, let's go. It's getting late. He says as you just hummed in response.

After some time you both reached home,go, good night. You smiled before speaking good night. And with that you walked inside.

He turn around with a serious expression on his face , knowing very well what's going on...
*On call*
This is too much jeon! Taehyung yelled, anger filled in his voice. How did you even get there on the first place? Jungkook asked from the other side. It doesn't matter right now, i would've guessed it right away that you're not going to stop, now you're stalking her? Seriously !! Having a man walking around her 24/7?...

She needs to know about this, you're going too far. You should know that you're obsessed, obsession isn't a good thing !! Know it right away Jeon. He yelled trying to be calm as possible but his anger isn't helping him at all....

Hi guyss, I'm going to end this series soon.. tell me your opinions about this .

Bye for now
Take care ❤️

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