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The next day when you met taehyung he told you about whatever has been happening around you. You realised all those days whenever you felt like someone is watching you and even when someone was trying to harras you and your sister that man came and helped.

So...so you're telling me he didn't changed? You asked with a slight hope. No...you might think I'm making up all these, but I'm not. That man..he was sended my him. To keep an eye on you. You sighed and just sit on the bench, keeping one of your hand on your forehead.

You know what, enough. I'm going back. Without listening Anything you got home, told your aunt that you're leaving now and going to continue your work.
You walked out of the house and saw taehyung standing there leaning his back on his car while looking ahead.

You pick your luggage and walks towards him. Get in. He says as he opened the passenger door for you. It's alright i can- before you could complete he picked your luggage before putting it in the car trunk.

Tae- he signals you to get inside as you just sighed and stepped in. The whole ride was silent. You couldn't believe anything, never ever in my whole life i thought that I'll be in this mess. Taking a deep breath you looked outside, taehyung glance at you before sighing as well.

*Time skip*
You guys reached Seoul in night, you went to your previous house and taehyung went to his house. *At his house*

Jungkook Jeon!! He yelled walking in. When his mother also came worried. What happened? She asked as he just sighed nothing.. don't worry! Go sleep smiling lightly he went straight in jungkook's room and saw him standing in front of the mirror opening his tie.

If you're here to tell that i did wrong, I'm obsessed then go. I don't care. Jungkook spoke as taehyung glares at him. You hated my from day one why are you so concerned about my life suddenly? Jungkook asked turning around. *Chuckles* i hated you because, dad gave you the business i deserved !

Jungkook just scoffs and dad gave you and your mom the place my mom deserved ! Taehyung sighed didn't wanted to say something wrong but his anger wasn't helping it. Your mom cheated. It's not our fault !! He screamed as jungkook stopped
Didn't know what to say.

Stop taking out your anger on us , or on y/n. Stop it already, you don't own her . Stop controlling her life. That was the last thing taehyung said before walking out of the room shutting the door loudly.

Jungkook sit on his bed gripping his hair in frustration. He remembers the time when he was a kid, and witnessed his dad and his mom's fight, and got to know that she cheated , and his dad telling her to leave for forever and she didn't even regret.

A tear left his eye, he wasn't the type to cry but even he don't know why he was crying right now.

*Meanwhile you*
You were sitting in your room, thinking of what you're going to say to him. Everything doesn't solve with anger so you decided to talk with peacefully. Without making any fuss, though he broke your trust, though he didn't he shouldn't, but still.

*Next day*
You take a deep breath standing in front of the office building. You walked inside as your colleagues greeted you. Long time no see y/n. One of them said making you smile. You bowed lightly before walking towards his cabin.

You knocked as a voice came from inside. Opening the door you walked inside, your heels clicking the floor making the male who was looking outside standing in front of big glass window turn around and look at you. He looks at you in surprise. Y/n..he whispered as he take a step towards you, making you step back.

Stay where you are. You says as he stopped in his tracks. Why...after i left, why did you asked someone to look after me 24/7 or i would say stalk me. ??
He sighs as he just looked at you, because i care for you, what if something happened? I love you. I truly do y/n. He takes a step towards you again making you step back again.

Don't come... I'm gonna be honest with you. Do you know how scared i was when i always felt someone stalking me? How..how scared i was when i felt like someone following me. Your voice trembles. How bad i feel that...i actually trusted you, i loved you !! And you did this.

And even after this, you're behaving like a obsessed jerk. Who won't leave me alone. Please stop this...i beg you stop this. This is not love ! This is obsession, obsession isn't good. This isn't love. You don't hurt people you love. You looked up and for the first time saw tears in his eyes.

For the very first time you saw his eyes all red, his face like he's gonna cry soon. You don't know why, why was he like this? He would be getting angry right now, trying to claim you his. But he doesn't seem angry instead it's something else.

Finally coming end to this series. Do tell me who do you want her to end up with and why?
And if it's ok if i make two different endings for both of them so you guys can choose your ending as per your wish.

See you in the next chapter.
Bye bye ~

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