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Y/n run outside of the office while tears flowing from her eyes y/n! She turned around as someone called her name

*Taehyung POV*
I was going to submit these files for the new project as i saw y/n coming out from mr. Jeon's cabin but why is she running? I called her name as she turned around but she was continuously looking at the ground

I run towards her...what happened y/n?? He asked as she just sniff look at me he ordered as she did what he asked her to his eyes turned soft and expressions changed into a worry one w-why are you crying? He asked holding her shoulder but y/n didn't say anything making him worry more

Let's go somewhere else ok? They both came in a café near their building ( office) here drink this first! He gave her water as she gulped down all of it in just one go now tell me what happened? Did jungkook- i mean mr. Jeon said something to you?? He scold you?

He asked as she looked up calming herself down h-he...she told him everything as his hand turned into a fist and anger was visible in his eyes HE DID WHAT!? he yelled as she looked down *sigh* it's ok!! Calm down he hugged her from the side you go home! Text me when you reach there! He said as she nodded her head

Eyes red in anger as he walked towards jungkook's office without knocking he just got in making him look up don't you know how to knock? He said as taehyung just ignored him and hold him from collar why did you do that? He asked coldly

I did what?? Leave my collar jungkook said as taehyung's grip tightened y/n was crying!! Why did you do that?? He yelled as jungkook pushed him with all his strength why do you care?? Huh? Isn't like you both are in relationship? He asked she is my bestfriend! And moreover she isn't even your girlfriend! Taehyung yelled

You like her don't you?? Jungkook asked walked behind him
It's none of your business taehyung said coldly make sure to apologise when she come here again he said and left jungkook's cabin!

*Next day*
As usual y/n come office did her work but there was something unusual which is she is mostly ignoring jungkook and he was getting annoyed by her this behaviour.

He made his way towards y/n's cabin and got in without knocking miss y/n! He called her name as she stand up y-yes sir! Is something wrong? She asked I'm sorry he said coming towards her as she look at him and backed off a little

Don't be scared I'm not going to do anything like before...i just came here to apologise! I don't know why i did that I'm really sorry miss y/n please forgive me! He said and left her cabin leaving y/n shocked

He just apologise? The cold ceo wait but he should be! he did wrong at the first place he should be sorry for what he did ....*Sigh*

*Jungkook's POV*
I hope you forgive me y/n! And even if you don't i have my own ways to make you forgive me
I don't know why you like to spend time with taehyung that much you don't even smile when you talk with me

I don't like the way you talk with him out of all the peoples in this office why you have to be friends with my brother! Oh sorry step - brother!

To be continue....

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