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Stop it already, I'm leaving. You started to go out of the room when he hold your wrist tightly. If you keep on continuing meeting taehyung or any other men. It won't be good for you alright. He whispered with a cold voice, which literally sends shivers on your body.

She's not a thing Jungkook! A female voice came from behind as you both turned around, a lady in a red dress who looked almost like your age or maybe five or six year older.

Stay out of it pls. Jungkook said and stood in front of you. Oh, so you're y/n. Hi I'm taehyung and jungkook's mom. Her sentence was cut off as he spoke in between. Step...step mother..my step - mother. You slightly nodded your head, don't know what to say now.

She just shrugged off, and looked at you. You're so pretty. She said as you smiled. You too, prettier than me.
She smiled, taehyung talks about you a lot. You both must be very good friends.

Uhm..yeah we are! You replied and looked at jungkook. Who was already looking at you with a cold expressionless face. She nodded with a sweet smile, and turned towards jungkook.

That's not how you behave with someone jungkook! She said in a loud voice as he just sighed. Why are you even interfering in between?? He asked, you could feel the irritation in his voice.

I understand she's your girlfriend, but that doesn't mean you can control her life. She replied. CAN YOU PLEASE STOP- he yelled but stopped in between when you came and stood in front of him.

She's right. You can't control it. At first i thought maybe you're just being possesive or protective, but when i realise you were stalking me!? I just hate you for real. You're obsessed. Now don't start with I'm not obsessed i just love you talks.

When you love someone, you don't try to control their life, you don't even stalk them like this. It's creepy. You finally let out all the frustration. It was so disturbing for you.

First his over possessiveness , second this. Y/n! He whispered, you could see the tears in his eyes, which made you feel bad. Don't say you hate me. I seriously love you, more than anything, more than anyone. I was scared with even the thought of you leaving me.

I-i don't know what to say you sighed and left from there without saying anything. You were leaving, when you bumped into someone.y/n, are you ok? You looked up and saw taehyung. You just nodded your head as yes.

What are you doing here- oh yeah, you came to meet jungk- i mean Mr. Jeon. He said, I'm leaving now. You whispered, hey, are you crying? He come close to you, as you backed off.

Did something happen?? He asked nothing, bye for now. I need to go somewhere. I'll meet you tomorrow. You said and left from there. He looked at you until you disappear from his sight.

He rubbed his forehead, when his eyes met jungkook's. What did you said to her that she was crying?? He asked, jungkook didn't said anything just punch him straight on his face. Why don't you stay away from her?? He yelled.

Your mother left your dad doesn't mean that you'll become obsessed with someone. You're hurting her jungkook!!! You really think every women you start talking with you will leave you?? It isn't like this!! Maybe i like her, yes I'm accepting that i like y/n, but i won't snatch her from you.

Until or unless you made me do it by hurting her like this. Taehyung yelled back and left from there. Without looking at him

Heyy, sorry for the late update.
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Andd what do you think? Taey/n or jky/n??? 😂

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