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*next day*
Y/n got ready and went office! She is excited afterall it's her first day! And moreover with whom she is working is her friend so she will be comfortable!

She went in taehyung's cabin as today he will teach her some things!
Good morning! She said with a smile as he also smiled and say it back!
Let's start there is no hurry but if you learned it fast it will be profite for you! He said as she nodded her head!

They both were concentrated in their work as they hear a knock!
Mr. Jeon is calling you ms.y/n!..he said and went out as y/n excuse herself and went towards jungkook's cabin which was on the upper floor!

She knocked and went inside!
He look up from his computer/laptop and look at her!
She is actually so pretty!...this was the first time he noticed her eyes which were a little brown...her black straight hairs...that Little smile!.. everything about her is perfect!

Sir??...sir?..mr.jeon??..she said as he suddenly realised that he was looking at her continuously!...
Arghh it's embarrassing!
What happened? He just look down as she asked him that!..
Why did i call her here??...i just wanted to see her! But why? He just shrugged his thoughts off...

It's nothing you can go miss y/n! He said and continue his work as she look at him with awkward smile...
Wth?..he wasted my time! Is he playing here? She thought as she bowed him and went down!

Why did he call you? He asked as y/n came inside and sit on the chair!
I don't know?..he said it's nothing now you can go! She said
*Sigh* nevermind! Let's continue! He said as they both start working on the project!!

It was the lunch time all the ppls there stopped working but y/n and taehyung were still working so focused that they didn't even realise it's lunch time now until a voice intrupted them!
Yah! Taehyung! He said as they both look towards him!..ouh! Wait aren't you that girl that day? Who was asking for jungkook's office? He said with a confused expression as y/n smiled!
Yeah I'm!
Woah! You're selected? Great so that means-
That means she is working with me! Taehyung said in the middle of his conversation!

You're kim seokjin right? Y/n spoke as jin smiled and nodded!
You can call me jin!
Btw it's lunch time you both should eat something! Seokjin said as y/n and taehyung nodded!
Let's go y/n! He said as she walked behind him!
Are you both friends!? Seokjin asked turning around
Yes.. taehyung said!...

Then why don't we go to our favourite place?..i mean your friend is our friend! Let's go! Jin said as taehyung nodded and ask y/n go come with him!
Our friend?
They all went on the top floor as she saw there is no one!
Woah! What is this place!? She asked
You will get to know it soon! Jin said as they keep walking until they stopped in front of a room!

He open it and went inside while taehyung signals y/n to come!..
Here are they- he stopped when he look at y/n!..
Y/n look at him and then the both of them!..
She is y/n! Our friend.. seokjin said as he look at y/n who was just smiling awkwardly!
Oh hi y/n!.. I'm kim namjoon! Nice to meet you! He said with a wide smile which make her smile too!
Come sit here! He asked her as she went and sit there!..

Where is he? Taehyung asked looking at namjoon as namjoon sighed!
He is coming in 5 mins! He said as y/n look both of them
Who is that he??..nvm it's their personal matter!
They all start talking..
But soon the door open and a person walked in...
Miss y/n?
Wait...this voice...wtf!! She turned around and saw jungkook...
She suddenly got up as they all look at her!

What are you doing here? He said looking all of them waiting for an explanation!
Are they all friends??..wth! Am i doomed no god it's my first day save Mee!!...
I-i actually-
She got cutted off as taehyung spoke!
She is my friend! As you know she is new here so ofcourse she will gonna do lunch with me!
With us!! Seokjin added as jungkook look at them and then y/n!

One thing which was weird that the voice, the aura...i mean the way taehyung talked with jungkook is too different the way he talked with jin and namjoon...what is with him? Even jungkook he is looking at him like he will cook someone alive!

He didn't said anything just leave from there!
Leave him! Tell me what do you wanna eat? Namjoon said as y/n looked at him!..
Anything! She said and look at taehyung!
His face was stern...cold!..there is no expression at all!

To be continue.....

Hii!...are you guys liking the story!? Pls let me know! If there is any mistake!

I'll be back with new chapter till then take care~💜

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