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Looking up in his eyes you couldn't see anything else but guilt, regret, his eyes shows nothing but.... loneliness, for the very first time you've seen him like this in this miserable state.

You've seen love for yourself in his eyes, obsession for yourself in his eyes but this time things are different. I didn't wanted to do this he mutters looking away, not wanting to show you his condition.

I was scared.....i was scared that i might lose you, you will start dating someone else. You'll leave me.... furrowing your eyebrows couldn't able to keep his words in place, not being able to come out for a conclusion.

what are you even saying?? Didn't i already left you? Asking you kept looking at him as if now you were asking for all the answers from him now. A moment of silence as he looks away, sit down first... please? He pleaded, not being able to reject his offer you went down to sit on the couch.

What it is?? You asked trying to sound like you don't care but deep down even you know it was hurting you seeing him like this. Even you don't know why, but you really wasn't feeling ok seeing him in this state when before you never actually saw a glimpse of sadness on his face.

My mom..left my dad, she left him and went away with other man. Sighed he continues. Then dad married that woman, i-i mean my step mom, Taehyung's mother. Staying quite you just heard him, letting him say whatever explanation he has.

When she left him i decided the woman I'll love, I'll never let her go away from me. I will do everything to make her stay with me, whatever it takes. I won't let her cheat on me. He sighs and looks down covering his eyes with his palms. I know i might sound so stupid right now,but even i don't know what i was thinking at that time.

I thought everyone is same, my dad was so heartbroken at that time. They used to fight daily, so when i get to know about her leaving with another man, it hurted me but what hurted me more was the condition of my father. He wasn't eating anything, he just stayed in his room all day.

So you did this!? You put up this question making him sigh and nod, i...i wanted to know everything your likes and dislikes so there won't be a thing which i don't know about you, so that in future you won't be disappointed in me....and leave me.

You rubbed your forehead in all confusion, anger, you weren't even sure if you should console him right now or be angry at him.

But this wasn't right, i know i just .... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry y/n. I will change,i promise i will. I won't be like this. Please give me another chance. I shouldn't have stalked you, i shouldn't have hurted you. I know, i promise i will change for you.

Taking a deep breath you sit straight not knowing what to do, you weren't sure about your feelings right now, you've so many doubts and questions in your mind at this point.

Why you're confessing all this suddenly!? He looked up only for you to see his red eyes.

I realised how much of stupid i was. In the war of, making you not leaving me so that i won't get hurt, i started to hurt you. Trust me, i-i...his breath hitched, before he continued speaking.

I won't do it again. You sighed and looked at him but before you could say anything the door burst open revealing taehyung.

Y/n, what are- he looks at you before his eyes went on jungkook, he stood straight when he saw his teary eyes not understanding the situation right now. After some seconds of silence, Are you trying to manipulate her now? He asked taking a step forward.

Guys, you know what. Let's not talk here, not a right place, not a right time either we'll talk later. You said standing up as your went from taehyung to jungkook who just nod.

Later the following day, you talked about all this with Taehyung's mother and she told you everything she has seen and known from their dad.

The relations between both the brothers spoiled the moment the business was given to jungkook and Jungkook has never talked with taehyung or his mother nicely.

Finally all the pieces of the puzzles are falling into place except you. You still don't know what are you going to do now, how are you going to do it.

You being worried about jungkook when you saw him like this was the indication that you still have feelings for him and can't see him like this, like before?

That day you weren't sure if he really meant those words about him changing and him loving you truly, you were too angry to even focus on all that, but contrasting that day with today, you could see nothing but guilt, fear and regret on his face.

Sitting on your room with your face in your palms you could think of only one thing right now, and that is do you still like him??

Sighing you laid down, but your mind was filled with questions that's the reason you didn't even considered discussing this further with jungkook or taehyung.

All the questions regarding, am i ready to give him another chance? Is it ok to give him another chance? Do i actually like him or not now? Will he really change?

And the main thing, " i hope i won't hurt taehyung in between "


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