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After whatever happened yesterday i didn't talk with him, i just did what he asked me to, nothing more than that, nothing less than that!

But not gonna lie my mind was still filled with what he said to me. Why was he jealous?? Does he like me? No-no how can he?? But...I was jealous? Do I like him? I got out of my thoughts as I heard someone Calling my name.

Miss y/n!!
Y-yes Mr. Jeon! I said as I stood straight, what the hell were you thinking y/n! Did you forget about today's meeting? He asks as I look down on my tablet.

O-oh yeah yeah! I mean no i didn't,i was just about to come to you! I said as he just nodded, sighing heavily as I followed him.

*After the meetings and discussions*
Miss y/n that- he stopped when she spoke in between. I'll leave then mr. Jeon! She got up and was about to leave when he held her wrist.

Can you tell me the exact reason? He asked as she turned around and looked at him about what? She asked as he walked towards her, why are you ignoring me? Asking again as he looked straight towards her.

Me? Of Course no, why would I ignore you? She said as she chuckled nervously, making him sigh. Come on, anyone can notice you're avoiding me? Why? He ask again as she just looked down.

One min... don't tell me you're ignoring me after what happened yesterday? He asked as there was a slight smile present on his face, she looked up but didn't know what to reply.

He walks towards her as he holds her waist, am I right miss y/n? He whispered as I felt my whole body tensed up. I-...no words coming out of my mouth. I was just looking at him.

Today, 7:00 pm, be ready! He said as he moved his face towards my face there was just a little distance between our faces as I automatically closed my eyes and the next moment I knew that someone pecked my cheek.

Opening my eyes wide as I look at him who was smiling widely, anyone can fall for this smile. I pushed him a little when I heard a knock on the door. I-i'll l-leave! I said as I bowed and went out of his office at the speed of light ,the last thing I heard was his chuckle, which made me smile out of the blue.

Thanks for reading <33
( Sorry for this short chapter)

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