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After some time alice walked out from his cabinet as i got up from my seat and bowed at her, she look towards me and walked out.
Why so rude!?

I took the files and went in mr. Jeon's cabin, i knocked on the door and after hearing a response from other side i made my way in his cabin.
Bowing at him as i give him the files.

Tomorrow is the meeting regarding this new project right miss y/n? He asked reading the files yes mr. Jeon! I replied as he nodded ok, you can go! He said as i nodded and went out.

Completing all the work as i put my hands on my head and sigh loudly, you're doing great miss y/n! Hearing the familiar voice as i looked up. Come on don't call me that taehyung! I said as he chuckled. Ok bestie!

Coffee? I asked as he made a disguise face, i don't like coffee! He said as i laugh i know, i meant we will have whatever you like. I said as he smile widely. Let's go! He said as i got up from my chair and went with him.

*Jungkook's POV*
I walked out from my cabin as i saw miss y/n was nowhere to be found, i went towards taehyung's cabin and saw both of them sitting there. My blood boiled as i saw her laughing with him. I did everything still she doesn't laugh like this when she is with me. I went straight in my cabin and waiting for some time.
*End of jungkook's POV*

Getting out from tae's office i went towards my workplace. Miss y/n mr. Jeon called you in his cabin. He says as i nodded and went in his cabin.

Complete all this work by today! He said handling me the paperwork and the files. B-but these are lot! I said as he nodded i know but i know you can do it! Now stop wasting your time and do your work! He completed as i just nodded and went to my workplace.

Arghh i have to work overtime!! Getting out of my thoughts as i pick my start doing the work.

I look around and saw no one was there,all lights were off only mine and mr. Jeon's workplace's lights were on.
I sighed loudly as i went in mr. Jeon's cabin! I did these files, you can recheck them if you want, and even sorted out the companies for advertisements! I said putting the files and papers on his table.

I turned around to go from there but stopped in midway, stop being this close with Mr. Kim, miss y/n! He said as i looked at him confusion. What do you mean? I asked i saw how you were being close with Mr. Kim taehyung! I agree he is your friend but stop meeting him during your work! He said standing in front of me.

What the!? Now i can't even meet my friends here! So what? Miss alice also flirts with you whenever she is here, and you don't seem to care! Moreover she isn't even your friend, did i say something? I replied but soon my eyes widened as i realised what i just said right now, i mentally curse myself.

Oh! He whispered as his lips curved into a little smirk! Are you perhaps jealous miss y/n? He asked as he walked towards me. I couldn't fine any words as i keep backing off until my back touched the cold wall behind me.

Tell me! Were you jealous?! He whispered looking straight towards me as i look everyone except him. No words were coming out from mouth. I-i- n-no! I-i mean i shut my eyes close. I could ask the same thing! Were you jealous when i talked with my best friend?! I asked looking straight in his eyes.

I don't know from where i just got this much of confidence but i just said whatever comes in my mind. Hmm...what if i say yes i was! He said keep looking at me. For a moment i just couldn't think straight.

What?! I asked in whole shock. I said what if i say i was jealous when i saw you talking with him. He replied but why? I whisper but loud enough for him to hear. Because...he stopped as his mobile rings.

I turned around and went out from his cabin! Picking up my bag and some stuff i went out from the building. Putting the palm on my chest as i could literally feel my heart beating so fast! What did just happened today!?

Thanks for reading!! <3

Sorry for the late update guys!! But i hope you like this chapter, do you think she should end up with jungkook!?

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Sorry for the late update guys!! But i hope you like this chapter, do you think she should end up with jungkook!?

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