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*next morning*
*Y/n pov*
Ahh I'm sleepy! Yes i couldn't sleep last night i was so nervous!
She looked at the clock ahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm late! She screamed and run towards the bathroom
*After some time*
Gonna do my breakfast later i need to go pls i can't be late today

She came inside the building and met taehyung good morning she said and bowed as he did the same while laughing don't you think you're a little bit late today?? He said as y/n looked down i know!! Bye she scoffed and run towards jk's cabin/office.

You are late miss y/n! He said standing just in front of her as y/n suddenly looked up i-i I'm sorry *bowed* I'm sorry *bowed* I'm sorry *bowed*
It's ok! Sit there mike will tell you the work and remember i have meeting after one hour so be prepared! He said and sat on his desk

*Y/n's cabin/office was just in front of his cabin/ office*
Mike told her everything as she also understood it perfectly then she look at the time shit! Only five minutes are left she suddenly run towards his office and got bumped into someone causing her to fall behind

*Y/n's pov*
I look at the time and damn only five minutes are left i can't do one more mistake i run towards mr. Jeon's office but i didn't knew he was just standing there..i closed my eyes ready to fall on the ground but wait i didn't feel anything

She open her eyes and saw him who was just looking at her his one hand on her waist tightly and the other one holding her right hand

*Jungkook's POV*
I was going for my meeting but before i could open the gate miss y/n suddenly appears in front me causing her to fall behind but i hold her waist before she can fall now i can see her face closely she tightly closed her eyes
A smile appear on my lips *cute*

Miss y/n are you ok?? I said as she suddenly got up yes! I'm sorry! Omg your meeting let's go she said rushing outside chuckled she is actually cute!

*After meeting*
Sir you're coffee! Y/n said as she put the cup on his table as he nodded complete these files i need them tomorrow he said as y/n nodded and take the files on her cabin

Ahh these are lot's of files! She said sighing heavily
Hello secretary kim! Taehyung said as y/n laugh! Yahh! Stop it already y/n said relaxing herself on the chair
He is giving you lot's of work isn't he? He said as y/n looked at him no i guess that's what secretary do! I mean I'm new so it seems a Lot's of work to me but it's ok!! She completed with a chuckle

Fighting girl!! He said
The phone rings as y/n excused herself for a minute miss y/n come in my office right now! He ordered
Oh god what happened now!? Y/n said keeping the phone aside
What happened? Tae asked as y/n looked at him i don't know we will talk later! I need to go! She said running inside jk's cabin

She came inside as suddenly the door closed with a thud making her flinched y-yes s-sir! She asked with a confused yet scared face
I don't like you being close to him! You worked as my secretary not his! He said as his palm turned into a fist

W-what do you mean? Y/n asked being so confused about what he is trying to say! FOCUS ON ME FROM NOW ON!! he yelled as he trapped her between his hands on the wall. Y/n flinched with the sudden movement

Huh? I don't know what are you trying to say- she stopped as she felt his lips on hers this wasn't a lovable kiss it was filled with jealousy! She tried her best to push him but as usual she failed he pulled out after some time as y/n pushed him harshly

What do you think you were doing!!?. She said as she run from there...

*Jungkook's pov*
Even i don't know what just happened...i was not in my right mind ,i get so jealous whenever she talk with him like that, can't she see he flirts with her most of the time i can see the anger in her eyes when she run from here arghh

Gripping his hair as he sit on the couch I'LL MAKE YOU MINE!! NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!

Sorry for the delay!!
Hope you like it! 💜

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