648 33 11

Victoria Agosti

Feeling anxious and terrified—with my ruby mask still on—I keep my posture straight and prevent myself from shaking from coldness as we are surrounded by coast guards. They're supposedly about to kill us on the spot as we step into their boundary. Fortunately, Mattias, who speaks Korean, managed to deal with them.

That is to bring us back to Yoon Jeonghan's territory, which is this port. They seem to be confuse why we dare to mention his name and Mattias told them that we are one of his clients from Italy.

I should really thank Mattias for speaking Korean. But of course, I have to deal with this shit first.

The coast guards seemed to hesitate, but they let us ride their boat. They didn't question us anymore and drove us back to Yoon Jeonghan's port.

Soon enough, we finally arrived at the port of Yoon. They led us somewhere to sit down. Which is the bench near the deck.

As much as I wanted to find warmth for myself, the cold weather at their place wasn't helping at all. It made us shake because of the coldness.

Don't they have any dry blankets to give?

I look at my friends and my pilot, who are also shaking from coldness. I mentally cuss and sigh, as I can't do anything to help them.

I don't know what will happen now. But one thing is for sure: I have to deal with their boss.

Just then, a familiar figure walks toward us. It took a few seconds for me to recognize him. He stops his track not far from me and locks his gaze with mine.

One of the coast guards went to him and said something, but his gaze was still on mine. I gulp and look away from his gaze.

I didn't realize that I'd been silent the whole time. So are Mattías and Winston.

They're talking in their mother tongue, so I can't understand them. But later on, the coast guards walked away and left us.

My gaze went to Jeonghan, who walked toward me with his hands in his pocket. He looks at me with a blank face, but it quickly changes into a sly smirk.

"I see you're in a conflicting situation, Miss Agosti," he said. "Come and let's talk about it."

Jeonghan also gazed at my companion. "Come along," and he walked away.

I barely move my body because of the coldness, but I manage to stand up and follow Jeonghan wherever he goes. As we followed him, we saw the same building we just went to earlier. We entered it again and saw Jeonghan's men were still here.

I sigh as I somehow feel the warmth inside the building, but it's not enough to fight the cold that I'm feeling right now.

Seungcheol looked at us with a confused look. "I heard what happened, Ms. Agosti. But why the heck are all of you drenched but still manage to save the mask?"

That's because we customize it very well, to the point where it won't come off easily.

I don't want to answer him, but I don't want to snob at him either. Winston answered him instead.

"We made sure it wouldn't come off."

Just then, someone gave me a thick blanket. I looked up, and it was Joshua who was holding the blankets, giving the rest to my companion.

"Have some blankets to warm yourself in the meantime," he said with a gentle voice, and he went back to his seat early.

I quickly wrapped the blanket and felt relief as I'm getting warm.

"Have a seat, Ms. Agosti, and also the rest." Jeonghan spoke as he also sat in his swivel chair.

We obeyed and sat on the chairs they provided.

"You're in trouble now, Miss Agosti. You can stay here with your companion. I can assure you your safety will be fine if you want to," he said nonchalantly.

I sigh. I know they want something in return. But I hope they aren't the ones who planned to bomb us.

"Thank you for your kindness. But I think I would do something in return. Right, Mr. Yoon?" I said, trying not to stutter and compose my voice.

He took a glimpse at me intently and gave me a devilish smirk. "Hmm. Do you have anything to give?"

I blinkered a couple of times when he said those. Do I still have anything to give, though?

With my shaking hands, I patted my pockets to check if I had my phone or wallet with me. But then I remember that all of my belongings are well kept in my purse.

I cussed silently and looked at Mattías and Winston. "As-tu ton téléphone? Ou des cartes?" (Do you have your phone? or cards?)

Both of them checked their phones in their pockets. Sadly, neither of them have them.

I cursed once again. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. I'm really glad that my mask can hide my panicked face right now.

I don't have anything right now. If I wanted to borrow one of their phones, they would charge me again.

Fuck whoever plans to assassinate me.

I sigh once again in defeat. I look at Jeonghan, who is just seeing me.

"I don't have anything to give you right now, but I'll give you anything once I have everything back," I gulped.

"However, how can I be sure you're not the one who bombed us?" I said, trying to sound tough, but my body is shaking because of coldness and fear.

Jeonghan seems to be taken aback by what I said. But he just nodded his head and looked directly into my eyes.

"Knowing that you wanted me to be your ally, this might be your plan," I hissed.

He didn't move and hummed as if he were thinking. "I understand why you're not trusting," he said. Then he gave me a devilish smirk.

Jeonghan sits up in his seat and grabs something underneath his desk. Just then, he showed me a gun and placed it in front of me.

"This gun has bullets. You can shoot me as a sign you can trust me," he said without taking off his annoying smirk.

I look at Seungcheol and Joshua, who are also looking at me and also expecting my next move.

Why aren't they concerned?

"If I shoot you," I hesitate. "Can I guarantee my safety and that of my companion?"

Jeonghan nodded his head. "Shoot me anytime. I would even compliment you," he chuckles.

Everything went fast. Even Jeonghan and his men didn't see it coming. Their faces seem to be surprised, as I'm holding a gun tightly while pointing at their boss.

I shot him. Twice.

He grunts while covering his arm, where blood is oozing. Jeonghan looked at me with a proud face, which made me confused.

"Fuck, you're hot."

He's crazy.


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