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Third person point of view

"Now that we are all here," Jeonghan announces as he faces them with full authority.

They gathered in a room that seemed to be average-sized yet luxurious and elegant. In the center of the room, there is a big round table where they gather. There's no window in the room, but only a big screen attached to a wall.

The Italians are still wearing their jeweled masks while the guests become serious and are all seated around the table.

"Since everybody knows why we are here, why don't we talk about the incident a few days ago," Jeonghan started.

"Our man-made land got bombed in the afternoon at Yeosodo, near the port of our location. We saw how the man-made land got destroyed. It cost a lot of damage and delayed my business transaction," he stated with irritation.

"I don't care how much I have to cover the expenses, but I have to know who has done this. It's probably not you guys, right?'' Jeonghan said boldly, confronting them.

"Definitely not us," Victoria said with confidence.

"My main hospital in Catania was also bombed in the evening. That hospital was important as I do my underground transactions there. Though it didn't damage the underground structures, it did harm a lot of my patients that day. Fortunately, none died but got severe injuries."

"Also, I would like to apologize for dragging you guys to my mess. I didn't know he would drag you guys to our mess." She apologizes sincerely.

"It's alright. It's your enemy who did this. We'll just make sure to make him suffer." Jeonghan said.

"No. I'll cover the expenses that damage your property. Please accept that as my apology gift." she said.

"You don't have to. You didn't do it." he assured. Victoria sighs in defeat.

"We caught the two culprits who did that," Seungcheol said, joining the conversation. "And they confessed, saying you were the one who ordered them."

"Speeking of culprit, you don't mind me taking one of your men, right?" Jeonghan asked Victoria.

"I don't mind," Victoria immediately answered. "Actually, I did the same. You also don't mind me taking one of your men, right?" She chuckles darkly.

That made Jeoghan smirk, as he finds it hot when someone thinks like him. Especially if it's Victoria.

"Oh, I see we think a lot," Jeonghan said, almost flirting with her.

The guys, on the other hand, intentionally coughed pertaining to the couple and rolled their eyes.

"We're still here in the room," Joshua scoffs.

Jeonghan snapped his head at him and gave him a blank stare. "Oh shush,"

Joshua huffs in disbelief that his friend just shut him up. Also, Sungcheol silently gave them a disgusting-like look.

"Anyways," Mattia cut off. "It really seems someone frames you guys up to go against each other," Mattias concluded.

"What we can do right now is look for who's behind this mess. But I guess Victoria already knew," Winston said.

Victoria nodded her head. "I already know who did this, and he is our dungeon at the moment."

"Then can I suggest what to do with him?" Jeonghan asked. "I know he'll be dead in your hands, but I wanted to contribute a bit," he said with a soft smile.

Jeonghan's smile suddenly warms her heart. Plus, the fact that they think alike surely made her turn on.

"Of course," she said softly, which made Winston and Mattias frown in disbelief. They never heard her tone like that when they were talking to her. Only Jeonghan can soften her.

"We'll talk about it later then."

Jeonghan grinned and nodded his head. But his smile went away instantly when facing the guys.

"By the way, when did you guys arrive here?" Victoria asked.

"In the morning? Not really sure. We went here as soon as we landed in Palermo," Jeonghan answered.

"I guess you guys didn't have a proper meal yet. Why don't we all eat together?"

"We've actually eaten a bit. Thanks to Mattias and Winston." Joshua spoke politely.

"That's not a proper meal," she said, standing up from her seat. "Come on, we have the best chefs here."

All of them stood up and followed Victoria as she walked out of the assembly room. They made a few chitchats in the hallway, but not until they encountered a bunch of unknown guys with black masks holding some big guns.

The atmosphere suddenly shifts into nerve-wracking air as all of them stop in their tracks. Just then, those guys suddenly pulled the trigger of their guns, pointing in their direction.

With their quick reflex, they bent down as those guys started shooting at them.

"Cazzo!" Victoria cussed.

The Italians didn't waste time and dragged their guests back to the assembly room. Winston, who is the last one to get inside, quickly shuts the door and locks it.

Mattias and Victoria push the emergency button on the walls, and in just a second, all types of firearm weaponry.

"Get your weapons that could protect you!" Victoria ordered.

All of them quickly obeyed and expertly assembled the guns, may it be a rifle or a pistol.

"Qui sont-ils, bordel ? Comment sont-ils entrés ici ?!" Winston spoke in his mother tongue out of stress. (Who the fuck are they? How did they get in here?)

"je ne sais pas! mais je sais avec certitude que quelqu'un a divulgué notre sécurité !" Victoria gritted. (I don't know! but I know for sure someone hacked our security!)

'Fuck. She really sounds sexy when she speaks in her mother tongue.' Jeonghan thought, but then he quickly snapped out of it and suddenly went into a protective mood over her.

"I hope you guys know to fight well," Victorio breathed as she held on to her riffle tightly.

"Oh, don't worry about us, Miss Agosti," Seungcheol smiled with a protective bandage on his hand, ready to combat anytime.

"We are confident with our fighting skills." Joshua also smiled as he inserted a magazine into a pistol.

"We'll back you up," Jeonghan assured.

Victoria sighed and took a deep breath.

"Alright then. Let's go," she said.

"By the way... Welcome to Sicily."


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