241 13 0

Victoria Agosti

As soon as I slowly regained consciousness, I felt heavy in every part of my body. Specifically my throat. It was so dry and tight. I frown as I open my eyes and adjust to the light. Soon enough, my eyes are well adjusted, and I quickly check the room that I'm in right now.

I'm lying on a queen-size bed in the middle of the room. The room was simple yet warm and cozy, with minimal yet expensive furniture. I just realized there's a cord attached from my vein to a single transparent bag and an oxygen mask placed on my mouth and nose.

"Jeonghan..." I barely said, almost whispering it in the air. The dryness of my throat gives me horrible discomfort.

I suddenly wonder what happened to me. What really happened? Why the heck am I suffering this much?

tu es stupide, you got kidnapped and beaten.

Of fuck. Yes. The memory of that day instantly flashed inside my head. Making me remember what really happened that day.

Jeonghan. Where's Jeonghan?

I know he was here. I met him earlier before I took a nap once again. I want to see him.

"Jeonghan?" I called, forcing my voice to get a little louder, hoping he would come.

Just then, the door knobs move. Indicating someone's about to enter. I hope it was Jeonghan, but no.

It was an old lady carrying a tray of something, which I assume was food.

"Your awake," she said sweetly with a hint of thick Korean accent and went towards me as fast as she could.

She slowly placed the tray on the side table and sat beside me.

"Do you want anything?" she asked. "Food? Water?" she said, spitting some words to help me out, but neither of her words I wanted.

"Jeonghan... where?" I asked with a raspy voice, which I grimaced afterward due to discomfort.

The old, sweet woman smiled sadly and carefully caressed my hair. At first, I was skeptical of her touch, but it didn't take long before her actions slowly gave me comfort. motherly comfort.

"Jeonghan is out, but he will be back." she answered despite struggling to say the right word.

I went silent and nodded my head to appreciate her effort to talk with me.

"Water? Your voice is dry. You want?" She asked softly.

I smiled a bit and nodded my head. The old lady took my oxygen mask away, then proceeded to give me a glass of water.

Having a language barrier was a bit of a hassle to communicate, but not to this old lady. Her name was Jihye, but I can call her Ajumma.

She's caring and sweet while taking care of me. Though she speaks and understands limited words, we somehow understand each other.

"Jeonghan will be back any time now," Ajumma said as she stirred a bowl of porridge with a spoon to feed me.

"Where did he go?" I asked softly.

"I don't know," she answered, and she fed me a spoonful of porridge into my mouth, which I accepted and easily swallowed. "He'll be back."

I let out a sigh. I was actually hoping that I would see him once I woke up. I have no idea where he is now, but it didn't stop me from feeling something was off.

Though, I do hope he's safe going back here.

"My love," a sudden familiar voice spoke out of nowhere.

I lifted my head and eyed the door where he was standing. My smile went wide when I saw him in front of me now; however, I noticed something that made my smile drop.

Though Jeonghan is naturally pale, this kind of pale was different. His eyes were slightly sunken, as if he were tired, and his lips were also pale.

He spoke to Ajumma in Korean, made her stand from her seat, and placed the bowl of porridge back in the tray. She looked at me and gave me a warm smile.

"Jeonghan is here. I'll go now. Call me if you want anything. Okay?" She said, to which I quickly nodded my head and gave her a warm smile.

Then Ajumma left the room, leaving me and Jeonghan alone.

"Mon amour," I said, gesturing for him to sit beside me.

He smiled and closed the door behind him. As he walked towards me, I noticed his gait was not normal. It's like one of his legs is hurting.

As soon as he sat down, he let out a grunt, which obviously meant he'd been hurt, making me anxious.

"What happened to you? Are you hurt?" I said worriedly, slowly tapping my shoulder. But Jeonghan let out a hissing sound that made my hands back off immediately.

Jeonghan saw my worried reaction. He let out a sigh before taking both of my hands and intertwining them with his.

"I'm sorry, I'm a bit tired, but I'm okay." He smiled, obviously trying to cover something.

My expression went stoic as I went silent. I know something happened, but I don't know why Jeonghan isn't telling me anything.

"My grandfather," he started.

"He was the one who hurt you. I'm sorry for not protecting you a bit earlier. This wouldn't happen if I came earlier," he stated, looking down at our hands.

"He abused my mother. Along with my father. That's why I killed my own father. Not only I killed my father, I also killed his brothers. All of them who molested and abused my mother. I killed them and left my grandfather to mourn and suffer from their deaths. But he, of course, won't let that slide. He wants to avenge his dead sons. He waited this moment to revenge, but I didn't let him. Though he hurt you, he won't do it again. Never again, I promised you." Jeonghan spoke softly, washing away my worries that turned into sadness.

"I'm tired because I have to deal with his thick face. So don't worry, okay?" He assures. I sighed and just nodded my head.

I know something is off. But I guess I'll let this slide.

"Fine. Why don't we rest together?" I asked.

His face lit up, and he quickly nodded his head. "I would like to rest with you, my love. But I'll take a shower first."

"Alright then," I smiled. "Can I have a kiss? It's been awhile since I tasted your lips."

Jeonghan let out a chuckle and gave me a meaningful look. "Oh, Tori, are you making fun of me?"

I shook my head immediately. "No! I just really miss you." I pouted.

"Fine. Just a kiss." He smirked and leant his face to kiss me.

It was a deep kiss. But that one kiss soon after made me fume in rage.

With the quick kiss, I lifted Jeonghan's shirt immediately, which caught him off guard, and tried to pull it down. But it was too late; I saw it.

I saw a lot of bruises. A familiar type of fresh and dark bruises.

"This is nothing, my love." Jeonghan stuttered and smiled, trying to calm me down.

"Mattias and Winston!" I hissed.

"Those damn motherfuckers!"

Yey! Last 2 chaps we done!!!

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