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As soon as we arrive at the exit of Cinisi, we quickly move to plant the bombs that could possibly hit Nikolai.

Uncle Roberto updated that his men somehow eliminated Nikolai's men without causing problems there. From 100, it went to 50. It somehow relieved me, but I am still doubtful about it.

"You guys ready? We can't mess this up. Alright?" I spoke.

"Yeah, I'm good now," Winstone answered through my earpiece.

"My men are scattered around this exit and waiting for them. All is good. Let's hope we can catch that bug tonight," Mattias said through my earpiece, and I can see him not far from my post, holding a big gun in his arms.

"Monsieur, le véhicule confirmé de Mr. . Diaz est sur place." One of Mattias men spoke.

(Sir, the confirmed vehicle of Mr. Diaz is spotted.)

And so, a back vehicle did come into our view, 50 meters away from us. Suddenly, my adrenaline and excitement rush throughout my body.

"On 3..."



A loud and big explosion happened in front of my car, where I was hiding. From here, I can see Nikolai's car caught fire, and some parts went away.

For sure, his car is fire- and bullet-proof, but not from my explosion.

"Everybody! Search the car!" I instructed.

Me, Winston, and Mattias, along with some men, gathered around the burning vehicle. Mattias made a hand gesture to one of his men to inspect the car closer.

Since the car caught fire, the view inside the car was hard to see as the car windows were also tinted.

The guy nodded his head and obeyed. He then thoroughly inspected the car and stopped his track when he saw something.

"Nikolai is here!" He yelled, frantically opening the door. He struggled at first to open the car, but he managed to open it.

As soon as he opened the car door, he was shot a lot of times by someone inside the vehicle.

It was Nikolai, with a bleeding forehead and bruised face due to the explosion's impact. He was holding a pistol and now used the dead body of a man he just shot earlier as his shield.

He tried to escape by limping away and shooting us from different directions. I didn't waste my time shooting him in a place that couldn't hit his vital parts. But because he had a human shield, the bullets didn't manage to knock him out.

"Merde!" He cussed as he dropped the poor dead guy on the floor and his body dropped, holding on to his knees.

"Putain de bâtard, essaie d'échapper à la mort. Pas sous ma garde." Winstone cussed, putting his gun down after shooting his ankle, and went closer to Nikolai.

(Fucking bastard, try to escape death. Not on my watch.)

Nikolai tried to point his gun at Winstone and pulled the trigger. But with no luck on his side, he has no bullets left in his pistol.

I went near Nikolai, then stared at him so lowly and gave a sinister smirk. His face didn't feel any guilt but instead a raging one. He tried to spit on me, but it didn't work either.

Well... Thats embarrassing.

"Je vois que c'est vraiment ton intention de me trahir," I asked.
(I see this is really your intention to betray me.)

"Tu le mérites salope! Tu m'as tout pris!" He hissed, trying to sound tough. (You deserve it, bitch! You took everything from me!)

Mattias, who stood beside me, went raving and tried to hit him, but I quickly raised my hand to stop him.

My eyebrow cocks in confusion. What does he mean, I took everything?

Before I could even ask him, he suddenly groaned in pain, clutching his injured ankles. He even screams louder, clutching it tighter.

Then I just remembered that the bullet was not an ordinary one. I smiled, thinking how it painfully pierces his body tissues and bones around his ankle.

"Let's go back to headquarters. Mattias, do your thing." I spoke, about to walk away, going to my car.

"Can I at least hit him first?" he scoffs.

I chuckled in response and nodded my head. "Suit your self."


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