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Tw: aggressive animal involve?

Yoon Jeonghan

"Her vital signs are now stable. She may have a few bruises and cuts, but with medications, it will be gone. Her throat swells a bit, but like I said, with medication and proper rest, she'll be healed in no time." My doctor, Jun, spoke while giving me a prescription pad for Victoria's medication.

"Thank you so much, Jun," I said with sincerity.

"Of course. You're welcome as always." He smiled and patted my shoulder. "Call me if anything happens. I'll go now."

I just nodded my head and watched him walk out of the room. With a heavy heart, I look at Victoria with bruises and cuts on her face. There's an IV line attached to her hand, and an oxygen mask is attached to her.

Victoria is resting in my room, still unconscious. Her body wasn't affected much as she is a strong woman, but she was tired before coming here, made her weak at the moment.

Sitting next to her unconscious body, I held her free hand and rubbed it gently. With a dry lump on my throat, I cleared it and smiled forcefully.

"My love, are you resting well now? I'm sorry if I was a bit late. If I came earlier, this should be happening." I spoke full of despair.

"We're supposed to be on a date, but things happen..." I sigh.

"Though I really appreciate your effort to surprise me, let's not surprise each other from now on, okay?"

Joshua told me everything about why she's here in Korea. She just wanted to surprise me, but this happened. It really broke my heart to see her in this state.

"About my grandfather who hurt you, I'll make sure he suffers more than you do," I said with eagerness.

I look at her resting face. I quickly look away, as my heart can't take seeing her like this.

I'll make that old fuck pay.

I was about to leave when someone stopped my hand. My eyes quickly went to my hand, as I could feel her hand move. I thought I was hallucinating, but no. Her hand is moving.

"Tori?" I blurted out. Hopefully, I'm not hallucinating.

I looked at her face once again and saw her eyelids move. Slowly, she blinks her eyes a couple of times. Her eyes roam the room until she meets mine.

She was staring at me for awhile and seemed to be lost.

"My love, you are awake." I spoke, almost tearing up. I held her hand and put it on my cheeks, which she gently rubbed.

"Mon amour," she said lowly with a raspy voice. "I miss you."

"My love," I smiled and finally let my tears roll down.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was late. I thought I almost lost you."

She didn't say anything but smiled with an oxygen mask. "I miss you. Don't you miss me?"

I suddenly burst into chuckles, then grabbed her hand and gave it a kiss.

"I miss you too, my love. I love you. I love you so much."

Her eyes curve into smiles, trying to hide her pain and tiredness. "I love you too, mon amour. So much."

"Why don't you rest? I'll be just here; don't worry," I said, assuring her.

"Okay... let's have a date after I recover?" she asked.

I smiled and nodded my head. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted to unconsciousness. Slowly and gently, I stroked her hair for a bit before letting go.

I'll go now. I'll be back.

Standing up slowly, making sure her sleeping wouldn't be disturbed, I walked out towards the room and went to the kitchen. There, I saw one of my maids busy cooking some dishes for Victoria.

"Ajumma," I called. "Can you look out for her? I have to go. But I'll be right back," I said while grabbing my keys.

"Of course. I'll take care of her. Be safe, alright?" She spoke sweetly.

I nodded my head while giving her an assuring smile. With that, I left my house and drove somewhere, going to my favorite person.

As soon as I step my foot on the ground of my port, a strong rage ignites inside of me. I went inside one of my container vans.

If you nonchalantly look at this specific container van, it just looks like the other ones. But I know this is more special than the other container vans.

Inside the container van, the walls contain soundproof materials. In the middle of the van, there is bullet-proof glass that divides the van in half with a small, narrow door on the end. One side of the van contained a comfortable single couch where I could sit. On the other side of the bullet-proof glass, there is my grandfather. Whimpering and helplessly chaining up.

He seemed unconscious in his state, and so I called one of my men to wake him up. I woke him up by splashing him with a bucket of pig blood.

The old man looks around his surroundings, but his gaze is locked into mine.

"You son of a bitch," he hissed.

I took a seat on the single couch, where I could see him perfectly. Behind the chair, Seungcheol and Joshua will be standing and watching with me as I torture this old man.

"Glad you are awake. Perfect." I grinned but slowly turned into a stern face.

"Is everything ready?" I asked.

"Yes," Joshua answered. "The dog you wanted is ready."

"The medical team is on standby." Seungcheol also spoke.

"Let's get started then."

A few seconds later, a big dog with a muzzle on its mouth entered the van. At first, it was calm, but seeing the old man blooded suddenly made him violent and aggressive.

The old guy started to trash around, hoping we could get away from it, the moment he saw the dog.

"Do you like my gift? I heard you like dogs, right?" I spoke.

I look at the guy who holds the dog tightly, also staring at me, waiting for the go signal. With a simple nod, he understood.

"No... Jeonghan... Let's talk... Lets not do something inhumane like this!" The old man begged, which made me scoff.

"Inhumane? Aren't you also treating my mother inhumanely?" I scowled.

"You know what, Just die." I smirked.

The moment the guy took off the dog's muzzle, it began barking so loudly and aggressively. As he opens the small door, the dog runs toward the old guy's leg, bites it, and tries to rip it off, causing him to scream loudly.

His shrill scream suddenly made music in my ears. Seeing his leg being mauled by a dog seems really satisfying to my psychotic ego. Just then, I suddenly remembered my mom. I believe he is now resting well.

I've done it, mom. I made him suffer by an animal. Just how he treated you.

In the middle of my show, my phone suddenly rang. I took it and saw the caller ID was unknown. I would often hang it up, but it was an instinct of mine to answer it. So I answered. But it was a mistake to answer the call.

"You motherfucker, you didn't protect Victoria."

With that voice, I quickly knew who owned it, which made me sweat. And I conclude that even though we didn't have a proper conversation, I fucked it up.



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