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Victoria POV.

"Dans quelques minutes, nous atterrirons sur Alcamo. prêt à battre votre ami traître en bouillie?" Mattias spoke darkly as he monitored our location on his tablet.

(In a few minutes, we'll be landing in Alcamo. Ready to beat your traitor friend to pulp?)

I clicked my tongue as I suddenly felt thrilled as we got nearer to our location. Our plan is to ambush them in the middle of Palermo and Almcamo. Hopefully, that son of a bitch won't sense anything and keep acting like a fool.

"That motherfucker would be happy the moment he saw me," I chuckled. "How much more being beat up by me. I bet he'll be ecstatic."

"Oh, he better not touch my chosen aimées, cause I'll definitely chop off his damn fingers." Winston snickers with his eye on the air as he is our pilot today.

In just a few minutes, we will attack Nikolai anytime soon. For what he did, that fucker doesn't deserve any kind of mercy. He threatens a lot of my laborers and almost causes chaos in my family. Surely, that bastard will be bathing in blood.

Finally, we landed in Alcamo at our base. I saw some men running around the area to get closer to Chopper. But as soon as they saw our jeweled mask, they quickly pointed their big guns at us and were about to shoot us. Fortunately, Mattias is with us, and he is faster than those men who are trying to kill us the moment we touch down the ground of Sicily.

"These baiseurs," Mattias scoffs, as he just effortlessly killed those men. "They think they could kill us. Well, not on my watch."

Me and Winston stepped down on the chopper and heard gunshots from afar. I took a quick glance at those dead people near the helipad, their blood pooling in the area. "C'est tellement stupide."

The three of us walk comfortably towards a warehouse where the gunshots are coming from. As soon as the gunshots are over, a dramatic bang sounds as someone opens the metal door widely.

"Mon cher cousin sans visage!" He grins with his arm open wide as if waiting for me to hug him, despite some blood splashing on his face and clothes.

(My dear faceless cousin)

He is Luke. He has blue eyes and blonde hair. Taller than any three of us. He was wearing a simple brown jacket that is now splashed and blotted by blood.

Even with my mask on, I smiled at how silly he is right now. As if he hadn't killed earlier.

"Tu es fou." (You lunatic.) I chuckled and went to him to give him a hug, then back away. "That was an enthusiastic greeting."

"Of course! Only for my favorite lady cousin," he teased.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm the only lady in our family."

"That's the point," he laughs, looking at Mattias and Winston. "Glad you protect my dear cousin. Thank you," he said with sincerity.

The two nodded their heads. "It's nothing. I don't want to die with Victoria; that's why I protected her." Mattias spoke instantly.

"Right. We don't want to go to hell with her yet, maybe next time." Winstone said nonchalantly.

Even though we have the mask on, these two know I'm glaring at them now. Which made them let out a chuckle.

"Enough with the chitchat." I hissed. "I want to see mon bébé snippy."

"Oh yeah, Dad told me the plan." Luke said, gesturing to get inside the warehouse. "Let's get inside. Your beloved babies are prepared now."

As we step inside, there are some bloody dead bodies on the ground. With a hole in their heads. It continues to see some dead bodies until we reach a certain area.

There's a long metal table with some stuff. As we got closer to the table, my eyes almost watered in awe.

"Fucking heavens," Winston breathes. "Mon Bebé!" He said, eagerly grabbing a machine gun loaded with bullets.

With his mask on, I know that he is smiling from ear to ear. Same as Mattias, as he grabs another big gun and is excitedly loaded with bullets.

So is me. I instantly grabbed my snipper and loaded it with a special bullet.

"Is this the bullet I requested?" I asked.

"The eating bullet? Yeah," Luke confirmed.

I smiled widely, staring at my own gun.

Just you fucking wait, Nikolai.


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