chapter 2

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jj's pov

i had barely slept last night, i lay awake confused as to what was going on between y/n and i. if there even was anything going on. i could never tell what was going on in her head. i didn't even know what was going on in my own head.

i could still feel how her hands felt when they were rested on my shoulder or my neck. how her breathing hitched when i touched her waist. i should've kissed her. or maybe it good i didn't. no it's definitely good i didn't. this is making me insane.

my thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. "i'm going to the shops do you need anything?" y/n shouted through the wall. i jumped up and opened the door. forgetting i was only wearing the shorts i had on yesterday. "hey" i said, leaning against the door frame.

she looked me up and down "hey" she laughed, then looked up at me. "so do you?"

"what?" i asked, forgetting what was going on, " oh right erm, i don't know. i'll come with you"

"okay. are you gonna put on a shirt or go like that?" she asked, holding eye contact with me.

"oh right well if you're going to be to distracted then fine" grabbing a shirt and pulling it over my head. she rolled her eyes at me and walked outside. i caught up with her and we walked in a sort of awkward silence to the nearest shop. once we had grabbed a few things we waited at the till. "hey so about last night, that was weird right?" she said.

"yeah, i didn't want to say anything but-"

"why didn't you want to say anything?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. her expression was calm, i had no idea what she was thinking. "i don't know, i just didn't wanna make things any weirder i guess"

she nodded slowly handing money to the woman at the till. she took the money and said "you two make a lovely couple." she was quite old, and very smiley for some reason.

"we're not a couple" y/n smiled back politely. i didn't say anything. y/n and i were often mistaken for a couple, however y/n was always the one to shoot down the idea immediately, not that i wouldn't correct people just she's always quicker to do so. i have never really put much thought into that but for some reason i was suddenly aware of it.

we left the shop, i carried one bag and she carried the other. just as we left the shop a voice shouted over "hey y/n" i looked up to see who was calling her. i didn't recognise him at first until y/n said "hi george, you okay?" i thought she wasn't into him.

"yeah good thanks, i was going to text you but i couldn't find your number in my phone."

i rolled my eyes. i didn't like this guy. he was a little shorter than me, but not by enough for me to comment on it. he had black hair and green eyes. he had a shell hanging round his neck.

"here i'll give you it again" she said, extending a hand for his phone.

he handed it over and, gave me an weird nod to say hi. i didn't do it back. i definitely didn't like him. "i'll see you around" he smirked at her and walked into the shop.

i gave her a disapproving look. "what?"

"i thought you didn't like him" i said as we started walking back again.

"i didn't say that, i just said i wasn't that interested."

"is that not the same thing"

"no. very different." she smiled.

"how?" i asked, frowning at her.

"why do you care?"

"i don't just wondering" i lied. did i lie? i don't know. i'm not jealous. i'm just being a concerned friend. right?

"Jj. y/n. Wanna go out on the boat for a bit?" Kie asked once we had returned with the shopping.

We agreed and placed the bags on the table. "Hang on, I need to put on a bikini" y/n said, disappearing into her room.

Kie and I joined pope out on the boat while we waited for her. After a few minutes she came out wearing a pair of black shorts and a red bikini. Shit she looked good.

"Stop staring" pope whispered, nudging me in the shoulder. I shook my head and shot him a look to say as if. "Wasn't" I mumbled, turning around to start the boat.

"Where's John b?" Pope asked kiara.

"I don't know" kiara shrugged.

"Are we going?" y/n asked, sitting beside Kie.

I drove for a few minutes until we reached a fairly open bit of water. Kiara pushed pope into the water making water splash up at all of us. Pope then pulled her in and they began having some wrestling match in the water.

While I watched those two drown each other y/n pulled out a match box from under the seat. And from that pulled out a joint and a lighter.

"Since when was that there?" I asked, watching her light it and bring it to her lips.

She tilted her head back and blew smoke into the sky "I hid it few weeks ago" She shuffled next to me and handed it over.

i took it. i took a puff and y/n lay her head in my lap, taking the joint back. "so yesterday didn't make things weird with us right?" she asks, looking up at me. i meet her gaze, she looks so hot laying down like this. "no" i lied. "course not, it's not like anything really happened"

"good." she smiled. "just don't want you falling madly in love with me maybank"

"sure you don't" i grinned down at her.

pope and kie then climbed back onto the boat, "could've told us you had weed asshole" kiara said sitting in front of me, and twisting water out of her hair. y/n handed her the joint and sat up. "wanna head back it's getting cold?" pope said.

"can you drop me home, i forgot i was supposed to help my mum with something and she'll ground me if i'm to late?" kie asked.

i nodded and started the boat again. driving the long way home which went past kie's house. when we pulled up to let her off there was another boat driving the opposite way, with two guys in it. one was george and the other looked a lot like him but probably a little older.

"hey y/n?" george shouted as his boat slowed down beside us.

"hey" she smiled back at him. i noticed kiara wiggle her eyebrows at her.

"i texted you like 5 seconds ago this is so random" he laughed. ugh even his laugh was annoying as fuck.

"oh, i don't have my phone on me at the moment." she said. george looked and the rest of us, smiling slightly. "sorry this is pope, kiara and jj" y/n said.

he just nodded, you could tell he didn't really care. "you look great, hey we were just going to hang out for a bit on the water, wanna come with?" he asked her. the thought of what was going through his head right now made me feel sick. "i would, but i'm kind of busy, some other time?" she's not busy. "definitely" he smirked, looking her up and down. gross.

"yep, we're leaving now" i said, probably sounding a little to annoyed than appropriate considering the relationship between y/n and i as strictly platonic.

"i'll see you around." he said to her while i started the boat.

"i hope so" she said back, giving him that same flirty smile that every guy she meets falls for. plus what does she mean she hopes so. she barely even remembered him a few hours ago.

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