chapter 12

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jj's pov

when i woke up, it took a second to realise where i was. i had never slept over in y/n's room before and definitely not with her still there. yet there she was. laying beside me. her hand placed gently on my chest and her head leaning on my shoulder. my arm was wrapped around her waist.

i moved her hair away from her face. what is it about sleep that just makes people look so peaceful. "morning" she whispered, sliding her leg over mine. i placed my hand on her thigh, brushing my thumb over the soft skin of her leg. "morning" i replied.

her eyes blinked quickly, adjusting to the sun light coming through the window. she sat up a little, brushing the hair out of her face with her hand. then she lay back down. her fingers began playing with my hair, while her head lay on my chest.

the moment was ruined by john b knocking loudly on the bedroom door. "y/n? are you awake?" he shouted.

"fuck" she mumbled, before getting up, wrapping the blanket around her body and opening the door ever so slightly. "what do you want?" she asked.

"do you know where jj is? he disappeared pretty early and hasn't come back yet"

"no i don't can you look for him quietly and far away from me?" she said, it was scary how easy it was for her to convince anyone to do what ever she wanted without even trying.

"let me know if he comes back i told pope and do something with him"

she nodded and then closed the door on him. neither of us spoke until we heard the front door close behind him. "how are we going to tell him?" i asked, pulling her by her hips onto my lap. she rested her hands on my shoulders, "what are we going to tell him?" she grins, lifting my chin so our lips met. i hated how much i loved kissing her. it scared me. the fact that she knew that all she had to do was kiss me and i'd forget any person, argument, fight that surrounded us. it'd just be me and her.

i was so caught up in kissing her, letting my hands slip round so they were holding her ass tightly against me, that i didn't hear the front door open and close again. neither did she until the bedroom door swung open, "hey y/n, where did you- what's going on?" john b looked at her and then at me and then at both of us. in complete and utter shock.

"i found jj" y/n said, half panicked half making a joke to diffuse the tension.

"i can see that" john b nodded, taking a step back, closing the door as he went. we heard him sit down on the sofa. y/n quickly climbed off me and pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt over her underwear. i pulled on my shorts as well and followed her out of the room. she sat down in the arm chair and i stood against the kitchen counter, pouring myself a drink of water.

the silence was awkward and uncomfortable. "so are you two y'know a thing or whatever?" he asked, not looking at either of us. his eyes glued to the tv. "we're figuring it out" y/n nodded, avoiding his direction as well.

then kie and sarah walked through the door. freezing in place as soon as they noticed how tense it was in here. "morning" kie said, looking between the three of us. "everything okay?"

"yep" john b said, a little to quickly. kie looked between y/n and i, clearly confused. no one said anything. "we were coming by to see if anyone wanted to go out on the boat. well jj and y/n i know john b is doing that thing with pope"

"shit i forgot" john b said, getting up and running out.

"so boat?" i said, trying not to make anything remain uncomfortable.

"boat" y/n nodded, getting up and following kie and sarah out.

"what was that about?" i overheard kie whisper to y/n.

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