chapter 11

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jj's pov:

it had been a few hours since pope and i had talked about y/n. we went back to the house, i hoped y/n wouldn't be there so we could avoid this conversation as long as possible.

when we got back george was knocking at the door.

"can we help you?" pope said. he spun his head so fast like it was a surprise the people that lived here came back.

"is y/n here?" he asked.

"did you knock?" i asked, frowning at him. he nodded. "well i guess not then. goodbye."

george scoffed, shaking his head slightly. "dude i get you have a crush on her or whatever but you don't need to be a dick to prove it"

pope raised his eyebrows and looked between us. "maybe i just don't like you" i straightened my back so i was now a little taller than him.

"yeah, whatever" he turned to look at pope, "tell her i was here? you seem more capable to talk to her without developing some one sided obsession" then he pushed past me.

"dickhead" pope said when he had left. i didn't say anything but i could feel my jaw clenching. "looks like kie and y/n have gone out on the boat" pope was looking over at where john b's boat usually was, then he went inside.

after a few seconds, i followed.

y/n's pov:

"y'know we'll have to go back at some point" kie said.

i nodded but didn't answer. i still had no idea what i was supposed to say to jj. i had no idea what he was going to say either. ugh. i hate this. "shit" kie mumbled, sitting up, "i have to get home"

"is everything okay?" i asked.

"yeah, i think so" i began to drive the boat towards her house. "text me later" she shouted, as she ran across the dock.

i didn't leave for a second, not until i saw her go inside safely. a long sigh escaped my lips at the thought of finally having it out with jj. i was about to drive off when i was brought out of my thoughts by a voice shouting my name.

i looked up to see george on his boat with some friends. "y/n, hey" he said, as the boat came to a stop beside me.

"hey, haven't seen you in a while" i smiled, politely. honestly i was grateful for the distraction.

"yeah, i stopped by your house earlier but you weren't there"

"i've been out on the boat since pretty early"


"no i just dropped kie off."

"want some company? you can hang out with us for a bit."

"i've got to get the boat back, but some other time?"

"definitely" he grinned back. "actually, there's a party on the beach later will i see you there?"

"maybe, i'll text you if you will"

"good" then he left, i could feel his eyes still looking at me as he went.

it look a few minutes to get back to the house. i pushed open the door only to find myself face to face with jj. "hey" he whispered, surprised to see me. my heart started beating faster than usual. "hey" i whispered back, looking up into his eyes.

"hey y/n" pope shouted from the sofa. i broke the eye contact and stepped out of jj's way, "where's kie?" he asked.

"she had to go home, but i saw george and he said there's going to be a party on the beach tonight"

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