chapter 6

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jj's pov

i had maybe slept about an hour. the sun was out now so i wasn't about to go back to sleep.

i went out to get a glass of water and y/n was sat on the kitchen counter. she was still wearing what she put on yesterday, after y'know that.

"morning" she said, she was acting extremely normal considering what happened last night.

"morning" i said, rubbing my neck with one hand. "you're up early." i filled a glass from the sink beside her. "yeah couldn't sleep" she said, looking up at me.

"neither" i said, leaning against the counter next to her, "actually, i don't know, since the others are asleep maybe we should talk about-"

"i can't right now" she said, looking away from me and shifting in her seat. i nodded, chewing on the inside of my cheek. "ughhhhhh" kie groaned from the sofa. "i think i'm dying"

y/n took her a glass of water at sat down with kie's head in her lap. "where's pope?" i asked.

"there" y/n said, pointing at the door, that pope had just walked through.

"i've brought supplies" he grinned, placing a bag on the table. the bag was filled with various food that i assume his dad let him take. i didn't ask.

"get that away" kie said, kicking me when i brought a slice of pizza with me.

"no, you get away" i frowned at her. she groaned again and got up, disappearing into y/n's room. "you want anything y/n?" pope asked from the table.

"no thanks, i'm not hungry right now." she smiled, before getting up and leaving. i just watched her walk away, i needed to talk to her as soon as possible. i should probably figure out what i'm going to say first. fuck. "where did you go last night?" pope asked, sitting down opposite me. i paused trying to come up with a lie, "i was just with a girl" i did not in fact tell a lie. why? because i'm an idiot. "i figured," he nodded. "kinda thought you were still into y/n though."

"what do you mean still? i never was" i said, quickly. quicker than natural.

"oh right, sure" he grinned. i rolled my eyes and got up to get another drink.

y/n came back a few second later, she stopped when she entered, sensing straight away we were talking about her. then george appeared in the door way. what the hell. i thought they weren't a thing anymore. "hey y/n. can i get my shirt that you borrowed yesterday?" he asked, not even taking a second to acknowledged that there were other people in the room. not that that would've made a difference i just hated hearing him speak. especially to her. "yeah, wait here i'll get it"

pope and i shared a look, none of us liked him. except for y/n apparently. "here" she handed it back to him, and went to sit down next to pope. y/n usually walked around wearing underwear and a t-shirt, it was fine when it was just pope and i. but i hated having to watch him, look her up and down, as if she was his. i didn't technically have to watch but i couldn't help it.

"thanks, bye" he smirked.

once he left i sat down on the chair opposite her. "i thought you two were just friends now" i said. "we are" she nodded, looking over at me innocently. it was annoying me that she was acting like what happened last night didn't happen. "then why is he just showing up at your house at like 8 in the morning for a t-shirt? seems a bit weird."

her eyebrows raised a little, clearly confused by my interest. "maybe he was just passing by and pope literally just showed up unannounced" she said, calmly. "why do you care anyway, you already made it clear you don't like him" she turned her attention back to her phone.

pope looked between us. fine maybe he was right about me having a small thing for y/n.

then john b came round the corner, "anyone wanna go surfing?" he asked, looking around the room, "yes." pope and i said, getting up quickly. i followed them out, turning back to look at y/n for a second. she was already looking back at me but her expression was still calm and hard to read. ugh, i hate this.

the three of us spent all say surfing, it was a good distraction from whatever was happening between y/n and i. john b and pope eventually went to get food, i said i wasn't hungry.

i carried on surfing for an hour or so more, until i noticed y/n sitting on the shore watching me. i sat on my board and shouted to her, "are you coming over?"

she brought her hand up, above her eyes to hide the sun, "you're really gonna make me swim out to talk to you" she shouted back, i could see her smiling from here. she had this smile that made people around her smile, it was impossible for me to stay mad at her if she smiled at me.

"yep" i shouted again, i watched as she pulled off her shirt, revealing a white bikini. a group of guys, a little further down the beach began whistling at her. she ignored them and dived into the water, swimming out until she was about a meter away. i offered her my hand, so she could hold onto my board but instead she chose to pull me off and into the water. when i resurfaced, she was sat on the board, i swam over, holding onto her thighs and floating there for a bit. i rested my chin on her leg, and she played with my wet hair. "so you wanna talk about yesterday?" i ask.

she sighs, "we have to at some point." she pauses, "i've thought about it and i don't think we should let it happen again" i looked up at her, trying to hide my disappointment.

"why not" i ask, kissing her thigh. she looked down at me, laughing a little and shaking her head. "because it'll be complicated plus what happens if the other find out then every thing will just be weird for everyone." she explains, her fingers were still playing with my hair.

"okay fine well you can't do that anymore then" i say.

"do what?" she laughs,

"touch my hair"

"touch your hair? seriously, that's what does it for you?" she grins, shaking her head at me. i nod. "fine. i won't touch your hair"

"much appreciated" i smile up at her, letting my head fall against her thigh. my fingers traced circles against her hip. she shuffled of the board and slid back into the water. i wrapped my arm around her waist, the other keeping hold of the board. she wrapped her legs around me and held onto my shoulders, "i must say this isn't very "shouldn't let it happen again" of us" i whispered. "shhh" she said before pressing her lips against mine. i kissed her back instantly, i could've stayed like that forever but eventually she broke the kiss and began swimming back to shore. i followed. once we were walking again she said "i'm serious though that was it"

i didn't say anything, only nodded. our eyes met for a second and we both started laughing. i didn't know why but we just were.

we were almost back at the house when we heard voices on the porch. i pulled y/n against the wall so we could listen. it was hard to make out exactly what they were saying since they were whispering. but it was clearly john b talking to a girl. i recognised her voice but couldn't place it. we hid there until the girl walked away, when she turned back we realised it was none other than sarah cameron, kook princess. we watched her disappear into the beach and then watched as john b followed her.

i hands pressed against y/n's hips, she looked up at me. neither or us moved for a second until we heard pope come out onto the porch. "hey, did you see where john b went?" he asked us.

we both said no at the same time before hurrying into the house.

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