Chapter 14

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Y/N's pov

After they left I sat back on jj's lap, "it's only 12, you wanna get drunk, we can sleep all day once I help kie with her thing."

"You are my dream woman" he grinned.

"Drink up" I smiled back, handing him a cup.

After we had a few more drinks I lay across the sofa, my legs across jj's lap. His hands slid onto my thigh. Stroking his fingers over my skin. "Can I ask you something?" He whispered.

I nodded slowly, curious yet slightly scared of what he was going to ask.

He shuffled in his seat. "Are you actually into this? Because i know you're not a relationship kind of person and I would much rather be the best friend that you can fall in love with later than the old friend that was a right person wrong time kind of thing."

I didn't say anything. It took a second for me to process what he was saying I was pretty drunk.

I sat up, leaning on my arms. He wasn't looking at me. His eyes were fixed to the bottle in his hands.

"I'm into this" I whispered, placing a kiss on his cheek. Before I could move away he moved his lips to mine. Softly. Slow.

His hands held my waist, pushing me down against the sofa. He lay above me, my legs around his waist. He moaned gently into the kiss, keeping it intimate and gentle.

He broke the kiss for a second, pulling off his shirt. I did the same. His eyes grazed over my body. Breathing heavily. I leaned forward, placing a hand against his jaw, pulling him back into the kiss. Our tongues moving against each other. Slower than our usual make outs. Granted most of them were the product of a lot of sexual tension.

This was different. We had had a lot of sex. Like a lot. Yet this was the first time we really made love. As cheesy as it sounds.

Once he was inside me we continued this. It was new to us. Instead of our usual profanities, any noise that escaped our mouths was hidden by the other. I felt myself tighten around him as I came, pushing him to his high as well.

He doesn't move out of me, instead he rests his head in my neck, breathing heavily. Eventually he moves, our eyes met. And we both burst out laughing.

It was a comfortable laugh.

"That was nice" he whispered, still a little out of breath.

"Nice?" I laughed, raising my eyebrows at him.

"You know what I mean"

I shook my head, moving my lips to his.

"Okay" I grinned into our kiss, "tired?"

"Very" he nodded, wrapping his arms around my waist rolling me on top of him. "Go to sleep" he whispered, closing his eyes. I lent on his chest, I felt his arms tighten around my waist before I drifted away to sleep.

*three hours later*

"Y/N" someone shouted. "Wake up"

I opened my eyes slowly, finding kie sat on the coffee table in-front of us. "Finally"

"What time is it?" Jj asked, refusing to open his eyes.

"7 o'clock. Get up" kie smiled sarcastically.

"Why?" I groaned, leaning my head back on jj's chest. His arms tightened around my waist.

"Because I need help remember" she said, getting up and walking into my room.

"Coming" I shouted. Jj opened his eyes slightly, raising an eyebrow. "Don't" I laughed.

"Okay. Come back though" he groaned.

are we still friends? (jj x femreader)Where stories live. Discover now