chapter 3

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y/n's pov

jj, pope and i lay on the sofa watching tv, when john b finally came back. "dude where were you?" jj asked.

"out" he said, before taking his backpack and disappearing into his room.

we all shared a confused look. pope looked at his phone and the his eyes widened, "shit, i've got to go"

"see you later" jj shouted to him, as he left. then it was just jj and i. we looked at each other awkwardly for a second before my phone broke the silence. it was on the table closer to jj so he picked it up, "number isn't saved" he said handing it to me.

"oh that's george" i said, recognising the number. i took the phone and went outside.

"hey" i said, "i didn't know you were gonna call"

"why is it a bad thing?" he asked through the phone.

"nope, just surprised me. so what's up?" i lay on the outside sofa.

"i wanted to ask you something actually" he said, sounding sort of serious.

"go on"

"you and that jj guy, you two aren't like a thing right?"

"what?" i said, laughing a little. "no jj and i are just friends"

i could hear him let out a sigh of relief, "okay good, i just wanted to make sure." he paused, "are you busy?"

"not at all"

"wanna meet me on the beach, where we met yesterday?" he asked.

"sure give me like 20 minuets." i said.

"of course, see you in a bit."

i hung up the phone and called kie quickly. she didn't pick up. ugh. i went to my room to change my outfit, i was still wearing my red bikini from earlier, but i changed from my shorts into a black pencil skirt and a white button down shirt, but i left the shirt unbuttoned. i did my make up, trying to make it look as natural as possible.

"y/n" jj shouted through the door "you want anything to eat?"

"no thanks" i shouted back.

once i was ready i grabbed my phone and headed out. i was stopped by jj standing in front of me. "where are you going?" he asked, frowning at me. his eyes slid over my body.

"out" i said, walking past him. before i could get far his hand grabbed my waist. my stomach tightened and my heartbeat quickened. "what's your problem?" i asked, turning to face him. "i'm just- it's late so i think you should tell someone where you are going"

"i'm just going to see george happy?" i said, holding eye contact with him. his grip tightened on my waist. "i don't like him." he said. i bit my tongue gently.

"well shit, there goes my plan to set you two up" i said sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood. "i'm not joking y/n" he said seriously, his expression was almost angry. it was oddly attractive. "okay, well he's waiting so i'll see you later, unless i get murdered or kidnapped and sold" i joked, moving out of his grip. as soon as his hand left my skin i instantly wanted to put it back.

i was about 5 minuets late when i got there, he was sitting on a rock. "hey sorry i'm late, i got distracted."

"it's all good don't worry, you look nice" he said, smiling at me.

"thanks." i said, sitting down next to him. we talked for a while about life and friends and stuff, until the sun began to set.

"you wanna go swimming?" i asked, standing up.

"sure" he didn't move though. he watched as i pulled off my shirt and my skirt placing them on top of my phone where i was sat. "come on then weirdo" i said, while tying my curls up in a bun. he pulled off his shirt revealing his torso. even though he was quite slim he still had muscle in all the best places. he then lifted me over his shoulder and carried me into the water. we swam out until we were a good distance from the ground. he pulled me closer to him and i wrapped my legs around his waist, smiling down at him. but as soon as his hands touched my waist all i could think about was jj and his hands and his hands on me. shit. i need to get jj out of my head. i pulled george closer, until our lips met, he was very gentle, and his hands treated me as if i would break if he touched me to hard. it wasn't a bad thing, it's just not how i hoped.

"hey," he whispered, breaking the kiss "can we take this slow, i just like you and don't wanna mess this up by going to fast"

this? shit, are we a this? "yeah course" i smiled at him,

"it's getting late, i'll walk you home"

i nodded and we went back to shore. he walked me home and kissed me on the cheek when we said goodbye. i feel like i should be happier about this. but i already knew that i'm not exactly a relationship kind of person. anyway, i walked back inside, and collapsed onto my bed, i couldn't help but think about jj. and his hands. and his arms. "finally you're back" jj said, leaning in my door frame. "why aren't you asleep?" i asked sitting up against my wall. i couldn't help but let my gaze fall to his hands. all i could think about was how much better they'd look, holding onto my thighs or my waist. i imagined his fingers disappearing inside me as i moan his name. fuck. what am i thinking? "hey y/n," i looked back up at him. "you spaced out for a second, i said i was waiting for you to get back"

"oh, right well i'm back so night" i said, avoiding his eyes.

"night" he replied, frowning at me, before he left closing the door behind him.

i'm just sexually frustrated. that's what this is. i just need to sleep it off. plus you never know maybe tomorrow george will be more willing to waver his "take it slow" idea.

i got undressed and went to bed. my eyes eventually closed and the next thing i knew i was in the kitchen, i was sat on the counter. then i felt a hand on either side of my thighs. i looked up to see who they belonged to. before i could get a proper look their lips crashed into mine, passionately, our mouths moving together as if hungry for each other. my hands slid up their arms and to their shoulders, pulling them closer. the hands slid up to my waist. i pulled away, realising i had been kissing jj the whole time. after a second, i pulled him back by this shirt and he lifted me onto his waist. carrying me until my back was pressed up against a wall. he then began kissing down my neck, between my boobs, and over my stomach before burying his tongue against my core. i gasped, burying my fingers in his hair. his hands gripped onto my hip. his left hand began burying two fingers deep inside me, pumping in and out harder and faster each time until i was making sounds i have never made before. his tongue slide through my folds as i came all over his tongue. i was gasping for air, while he stayed between my legs, looking up at me as i tried to remember how to breath properly.

suddenly my eyes opened. i was out of breath and sweating. "for fuck sake" i whispered to myself.

are we still friends? (jj x femreader)Where stories live. Discover now