chapter 13

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y/n's pov

"what the fuck is wrong with you?" i shouted, pushing john b back. "i get you're angry or whatever but that was so out of order. sort yourself out for fuck sake"

my heart was racing. john b just stood there. he was frozen. clearly shocked by what he just said. and rightly so. then he picked up his bottle and walked to his room.

i walked out, looking for jj. the boat and car was still there so he couldn't have gone far. I ran straight to the beach.

There he was. Sitting on the beach, looking out at the sunset. I sat down beside him, not saying a word. He didn't speak either. We both just sat there watching as the waves rolled into the sand in front of us.

"He didn't mean it you know?" I eventually said.

He didn't react at first. Then he nodded to himself, "I know."

I watched how the sun reflected over his face. I lifted a hand to his jaw, turning his face to look at me. "You're not anything like your dad" I whispered. I had never admitted it but i saw how his expression changed when anyone brought it up.

He didn't say anything, only looked at me. His eyes staying in close contact with mine. I leaned forward slightly placing a kiss on his lips.

After a moment he began to kiss me back. Hard. Passionate. Laying me down against the sand, holding my waist tightly against him. His lips began attacking my neck.

"Hey," I whispered, bringing his head up to face me,  "home first"

He nodded, before lifting me up over his shoulder, "I swear if you drop me" I laughed.

"I wouldn't" he replied, his hands holding tightly onto the back of my thighs.

We snuck into my room through the window, even tho the car was gone so John b was most likely not in there. Once I climbed in I locked the bedroom door and jj closed the curtains. He sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. His hands made quick work or pulling my T-shirt over my head. I could tell he was still angry by how his hands were slightly more rough than usual. Before he could do anything I began kissing down his jaw. His neck. His chest. Until I was kneeling in front of him. I looked up at him while I unbuttoned his shorts. He looked back, his breathing already getting faster. I took him gently into my mouth, his jaw clenched at the sensation. I began moving my head, taking him in more and more bit by bit. "Fuck y/n" he groaned. It wasn't long before he whispered again, "shit y/n, I'm gonna come" at this I got up, painfully slowly. Holding eye contact with him as I sat back on his lap. His hands remained holding onto the bed behind him. He was breathing incredibly fast at this point. His chest rising and falling. I placed my hands on either side of his jaw. Letting our lips brush against each other without actually kissing, before pushing myself down against him. Taking him all in. I bit down on my lips as I adjusted to him. His hands moved to my hips quickly, Holding me in place against him. I moved up and down again, taking him all in once again. I rested my head on his shoulder this time, as I tried to separate the pain and pleasure. He moved his hand to my chin, lifting my face. "You can take it" he whispered. I moved against him again. Holding eye contact. "fuck" he groaned, digging his fingers into my thighs. I moved again. And again. And again. Slowly getting faster. Out of nowhere jj flipped us over, moving his hand to the headboard of the bed. Gripping onto it tightly as he thrusted against me. Deep and fast. I arched my back slightly as I could feel myself getting close. My legs were beginning to shake so I wrapped them around his waist tightly. This made him groan against my neck. His hand gripping tightly onto my thigh, leaving marks. "Jj fuck, keep going" I managed to moan against his skin. It only look a minute or two before we were both completely out of breath. He collapsed onto me, laying his head in my neck as I stroked my nails over his back.

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