chapter 8

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jj's pov:

it had been a week or two since y/n and i agreed to our little friends with benefits deal. and since then we had had a lot of sex. like a lot. we had to wait till john b was out, which wasn't hard since he was always off with sarah now, plus kie was still mad at him so she rarely came by at the moment. so for the majority of our week we'd had morning sex, mid-day sex, midnight sex, against he door, the wall, in the shower, on the sofa.

the only rule that y/n wanted was, she won't spend the night alone with me and we can never tell the others. i agreed with the second rule, was not a fan of the first one though. i'd never admit it to her but i liked when she stayed with me afterwards. even if it was just to lie there for a few minuets.

it was late and y/n, kie, pope and i had driven out to an out door movie thing that had been set up across the island. we sat down in front of the screen i sat between y/n and pope. none of us particularly wanted to see this movie but it was better than being stuck at home, forced to listen to whatever john b and sarah got up to behind closed doors.

"y/n come get some drinks with me from the van" kie said, dragging y/n up from her seat. i watched her walk away. "dude stop staring" pope grins. i scoffed, trying to gaslight him into thinking he was being ridiculous. then i noticed kie and y/n get approached by rafe and his friends. i couldn't hear what they were saying. after a minute they left them alone, but i couldn't help but get annoyed at how rafe and a few others looked at y/n. as if they could stand a chance with her. "what was that?" i asked, when they came back, handing us a drink each. kie shook her head, "nothing" she said, unconvincingly. i looked at y/n.

"rafe was just trying to flirt like he usually does" she said, giving me a subtle smile. she pushed her  hand against mine comfortingly. the movie started and pope got up quickly saying he had to grab his phone. once he made it to the van i saw rafe and that lot approach him now, much less friendly this time, one pushed popes shoulder slightly making him take a step back. i got up quickly, walking up to them "hey, everything alright?" i asked pope.

"everything is fine jj, why don't you head back to y/n, if i was you i'd pay a lot more attention to her" he smirked. i laughed sarcastically before pushing him away from pope, telling them to back off. by this point kie and y/n had noticed what was going on but stayed in their seats.

"dude, what's your problem?" he asked.

"you. just back away and we'll do the same" i said. he grinned, cockily at me, then pushed pope again. as soon as he backed away i brought my fist up, punching him in the side of the face. he stumbled back and one of his friends behind him stepped forward punching me back. another the kicked me when i was down. by now y/n and kie had come running over. kie pushed one of them back away from us and y/n did the same to the one that was kicking me. he fell back and she knelt down, brushing the hair out of my face. i gripped onto the ground, pushing myself up. before one punched me again. kie and pope were standing to the side. y/n punched the guy, making him stumble back. "bitch" he mumbled before hitting her across the face. at this rafe stepped forward pushing the guy away from her. "we're done" he told him. then gave y/n and apologetic look.

pope and kie helped me up. y/n's lip was bleeding. she opened the back door and i sat inside. with pope. kie and y/n sat in the front. once y/n had driven pope and kie home she stopped the car in a secluded car park, facing the ocean. she got out and climbed into the back, pulling out the first aid kit and applying it to my head. i brought my thumb up to the cut on her lip, wiping away a drop of blood that was about to fall.

she was concentrated on cleaning my cut, she applied something that stung like a bitch. i held onto her waist tightly to ease the pain. once she was done i didn't move my hands. my head was resting against her shoulder, she brought her hand to my jaw, tilting my head up to look at her, slowly connecting our lips. my grip loosened on her waist and slid to her hips, pulling her onto my lap. our kiss was more emotional and intimate than usual. i could taste the blood from her lip and i'm sure so could she. her hands held tightly onto my shoulders. eventually she eased herself down so that i was inside of her. i looked up at her as she moved against me. her eye's were shut and her lips slightly parted. her hand moved so it was spread against the window. i placed kisses on her neck and over her collar bones. "fuck, y/n" i groaned against her skin. it was getting boiling in here, the windows were covered all fogged up and we were both sweating. my arms were both tightly around her waist, pulling her against me as close as i could. i was obsessed with how her skin felt against mine as she moved against me. shit, i was getting dangerously close to being done and i didn't know if it was mutual. "y/n, you're gonna have to slow down, or else this is going to embarrassing for me." i groaned. however she made no attempt to slow down instead she pushed herself down against me deeper. harder. my grip tightened around her as i came. "shit" i whispered against her. she tilted my head up kissing me again. pulling away slightly and looking into my eyes for a second. i looked back, getting nervous. i was still inside her and i think she more than enjoyed the power that gave her.

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