My Suckish Life Story

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So... I was nominated by _MarshmallowMagic_ (HOW MANY PEOPLE DO I NOMINATE) So, I guess.

Moolays (even though I already know your life story MWAHAHAHA)

Frost-Bite671 (I know yours too c;)

corrinp4 (I'm curious)

Okay, so, 11 years of traveling. Ahem:

Once upon a time in the wonderful land of Asia, I WAS BORN. FEAR ME, MORTALS. (Jk) On the 29th of July, 2003 I came into this world! Any Filipinos out there? Eh? No? Kay, just me. I met my dad on Christmas Eve, because for the last five months of my baby life, he was working in New Zealand. Yep, I'm 0% American. I remember nothing about Asia, because we moved to New Zealand when I was 1 and a half.

In New Zealand, I remember almost nothing, except for this tunnel we used to go to, and it would echo. And my 2nd birthday (← earliest memory). My best friend was called Shannon, and we lived within walking distance of everything, so I was a very skinny toddler. I also liked vegtables?

When I was 3 and a half we moved to the U.S. We arrived in L.A. and stayed tghere for a week with my Aunt, then we lived with my other Aunt, four cousins, and my grandma in New Jersey for eight months. Then we moved to Ohio, where I started school and had a best friend called Cassidy, who was my neighbor. We don't talk anymore.

I was always really shy in Kindergarten-3rd grade. It sucked. A lot. I got fat too :P. I remember one time, I was learning how to swim, and my friend jumped on me, and I started drowning. I'm okay though. I might've died, but I'm not completely sure... anyway... I loved reading ever since Kinder. It was wierd to me that some other kids didn't kniw how to read. I lkearned how to read when i was 2 or 3, so I thought everyone dide, but nope. SIX YEAR OLD ME WAS SOOO WRONG.

When I was seven we moved to Texas and we've lived there ever since. It was in fourth grade (I was 9) that I met my three BESTEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD: Rhonda (Moolays), Gissella, and Johanna. (Joe- HAH-nuh, not Joe-HAnnah) Then in fifth grade, I met my other best friend, Evelyn (Frost-Bite671).

It's sixth grade now, and Gissella and Rhonda go to the same school. Johannah and Evelyn go to the same school. I'm so lonnneellyyy. But yesterday, my friend from last year, Heidy, goes to my school now, so not as loooonnelllyyyy. But I'm still loneeeellyyy.

I hope that does it for you. I have a short attention

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