I Need Helsbabjvghjkl;ertyubcbmhgfjwi08e3t

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Okay then, I haven't been on in a while. 

Man, when people make excuses about school, it turns out they aren't kidding.




So, if anybody is a fan of the "Uglies" series, I'm going to a book signing with Scott Westerfeld.

Just thought I should tell you, Rhonda....

(It's in town, don't worry, dude.)


So Dean just died.

Help me.


When your favorite character dies:

Now, [insert name]. Did I give you permission to die? No? I didn't think so.

Now, go resurrect yourself.


After School

Me: Hi, Dad, I'm home.

Dad: Do you have homework?

Me: Yeah, but I--

Dad: *pulls out desk*

Me: Dad, I di--

Dad: *shoves pencil in hand*

Me: I already--

Dad: DO IT.

Me: Dad, I finished it on the bus.


So I was in class the other day and my teacher said

"The reason media is so consistent is because it's so frequent. Like, if your favorite character dies, you get sad, maybe cry. It's not like you would re-watch the series, locked in your room with a bucket of ice cream!"

Class: *laughs*

Me: *sweats*

*not my story*


So, it's been a while.

I'll be updating my other books soon.

Terribly sorry for the huge hiatus. I was streaming Supernatural...

And Doctor Who...

But mostly Doctor Who....

Oke bye :3

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