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A story, to prove blondes aren't dumb:

A blonde girl, I'm going to call her Natilie (U welcome Moolays), was on a plane next to a buisness man. "Hey," the man said. "Lets play a game. I'll ask you a question. If you get it right, I give you $5 and vise versa." (I'm calling the man Lance ;)) Natilie only wanted to sleep. She ignored Lance. 

"Alright then," Lance said, "If you don't know the answer, you give me $5. If I don't know, I'll give you $200" This got Natilie's attention. She agreed to play. "How long did it take for The Statue of Liberty to get to America?" Lance asked. Natilie dug through her bag and handed Lance a $5 bill. 

"My turn," she said. "What goes up a mountain with 3 legs and comes down with 4?" Lance thought about it for hours. Natilie took a nap while he thought. Lance shook Natilie awake and handed her $200. "What was the answer?" he asked. Natilie handed him $5.


Here's a funny story I heard:

Jack, a cowboy, needed a new horse. He went to Kate's stable to get one. She told him after hours of searching, "I have the perfect horse for you, but he's trained strangly. To get him to stop, you say 'hey hey!' and to get him to go you say 'Thank the gods!'" Jack acepted the horse and left.

One day, Jack's horse was startled and was running towards a cliff. Jack was panicking so much, he forgot how to make the horse stop. He finally remembered and said, "HEY HEY!!" The horse stopped two feet away from the edge of the cliff.

Jack was so relived! He looked up to the sky, clapped his hands and said, "THANK THE GODS!!!"


SAD SQUID EYES by ChimneySwift:

This is the story of Sad Squid Eyes

Chapter 1:

He died.

The end :)

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