The Date The Date

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Chapter 2

*the next morning*
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groggily grab it off of my bed side table and look at the caller id. It read 'Spence' with little hearts around it. I catch myself smiling. I quickly answer it, "Hey spence." "Oh...uh...umm... Hey JJ," he says shyly. "I was...uh.... Wonder..wondering if you uh.... Wanted to umm... Go to dinner tonight?"
I chuckle a little and shortly respond with a yes.
"Oh wow! Ok is six alright?"
"Yeah that sounds great! Ill see you later then!" I say and hang up.
'Oh my god! Did spencer Reid just ask me out?!' I think to myself.
"Yeah Henry?"
"Why did uncle spency call?" Henry asks.
"He wanted to know if I wanted to go to dinner tonight!" I respond to the little blonde boy that is now cuddled up in my shoulder.
"Can I come?!" He asks excitedly.
"No hunny. It's just gonna be me and Uncle Spence tonight! Maybe another time!"
"Alwight." He says with a pout and runs off to play with his toys.

Reid's POV
"Oh wow! Ok is six alright?" I ask with a hopeful tone in my voice.
"Yeah that sounds great!Ill see you later then," she responds with what I think is a hint of excitement in her voice.
I quickly end the call before she can change her mind. Wow I'm actually going on a date with Jennifer Jareau!
I quickly all up Morgan and tell him the news!
"So you do have the hots for JJ!" He says.
"I guess I do!"
"Please tell me that your not going to wear one of your dorky cartigans and cackys!"
"Well that's all I have in my wardrobe," I state simply.
"Ok then I'm coming over with some of my clothes and you can pick," he says and I know there's no point in fighting with him.
"Fine but be quick! It's 12:30 now and our date is at six!"
"Calm down! Don't get your cartigan in a bunch! Ill be there in 15 minutes." He says and hangs up.
"Oh god this is going to be quite the night!" I mumble to myself.
*15 minutes later*
I was in the middle of reading my book when the doorbell rings. I get up off of the couch and walk over to the door. I open it and there is Morgan with the biggest grin you could imagine!
"Alright pretty boy lets get you ready for pretty girl! I brought 5 outfits and, yes, you have to pick one of them!" He states with a smile.
"Fine," I mumble.
We walk into my room and he lays out the five outfits. The first one is quite simple, a dark navy blue T-Shirt with black jeans and a grey wrist band. The second one is basically the same but a dark purple long sleeve shirt with black jeans. The third one is just rediculous! It's grey Campus Crew track pants and a black hoodie that has "Boston Bruins"! I just glare at him while he starts laughing histairically! I continue onto the forth and fith outfits which are practically the same as the first outfit. I was about to pick when my phone started to ring. I look at the caller id. It was JJ. Uh oh, I think to myself
I quickly pick it up and walk out of the room.
"Hey JJ."
"Oh hey spence," she says with a little sadness in her voice.
"What's a matter J?" I ask starting to think the worst.

What she says next breaks my heart.

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