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Chapter 8

I was getting ready for the party at Rossi's house, actually more like Rossi's mansion! I hear the sound of little feet running on the ground and another louder pair. I smile to myself.
"Are! I'm captain Spency!"
"And I'm captain Bwondie!"
"And were here to eat you!" Spence and Henry both yell at me.
"Ahhhhhhh! Please don't eat me! I'm too pretty!" I say and they stop and look at each other.
"You know what Captain Spency?"
"What Captain Blondie?"
"She also my mommy! Maybe we should just make her our maid!"
"Alright! Instead you'll cook and clean for us!"
"Fine!" I say pretending to sound sad.
"Well... What if the maid is a captain too?" I ask playfully.
"I want spaghetti for dinner!" Captain Blondie says to me.
"Henry," Captain Spency says in a firm voice.
"Pwease and tank you!"
"Well Uncle Rossi is making us dinner at his house!"
"Yay!!" He says and runs off.
"You know Captain Mommy?"
"What Captain Spency?" I say leaning in closer so our four heads are touching.
"Maybe we could play a game later!" He says.
"I would love to play a game with you later!" I say flirtatiously.

*At Rossi's*

Spencer's POV
As we pull up to Rossi's mansion Henry gasps.
"Uncle Rossi leaves here?!" He asks in a amazed voice.
"Mmmmhmmm!" I respond also amazed.
"Ok gauckers lets get going before they eat without us."
As we walk in Henry screams "JACK!"
"Henry!" Jack says quieter and calmer.
"Wow quite the vocal chords your kids got there Jen." Rossi says.
"Try hearing 'SPENCY!!' ėvėrÿ tįmė Spence comes over." She says whisper shouting Spency.
I chuckle to myself thinking about how much Henry and I love each other.
"What ya laughing about there pretty boy?" Morgan asks.
"About life." I respond plainly.
"Spencer?" I hear a little voice say. I look down and see Jack.
"Yeah Jack?"
"How do you set up the X-Box?" He asks kindly.
"Just a sec. I'll be right there."
"Ok. Thank you!" And he runs off.
"Wow! Quite the kind boy you got Hotch!" I say amazed.
"Outside of work it's Aaron."
"Alright Aaron!"
JJ goes to take a sip of wine when Rossi smacks her hand away.
"What the hell was that for?" She asks rubbing her hand.
"Wait!" Rossi says.
"Ok! Jesus you smack hard!" She says with a bit of a laugh.
"I'm sorry. But in my house we don't drink without food."
"Italians are messed up." JJ mutters under her breath.
"What was that?" Rossi asks rhetorically.
"Nothing!" JJ quickly responds.
"That's what I thought!" Rossi says.
We all laugh. Then I notice one laugh was missing. Emily's. Why wasn't she here? I don't mention it but I do think about the millions of places she could be.
I walk off to set up the X-Box.

I can tell something's on Spencer's mind, I just hope he's not wondering where Emily is. She told me she wasn't going to come and that she has some airons to run. Some very difficult airons.
I walk up to Morgan and ask to talk to him...........in private.

Morgan's POV
"What's up?" I ask JJ.
"Umm......Could you talk to Spence.....?" She asks.
"Yeah sure. But can I ask why?"
"I'm worried that he's worrying about Emily."
"JJ the less he knows the better off he is." I tell her wrapping her in a hug.
"I know but I just don't want a repeat of when we fought the first time." She says with tears in her eyes.
"I know but it's for the best."
"It just feels so wrong lying to my best-friend......my boyfriend actually. I want it to be a honest relationship and this isn't what a honest relationship is."
"JJ stop worrying!" I plead.
"I'll try..... But will you?"
"Alright I'll take him outside, just the two of us and ask what's in that gigantic mind of his." I say chuckling.
"Thank you bro!" She says hugging me again.
"Any time sis!" I respond.

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