More bad knews

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Garcia's POV
"I'm so sorry," The doctor says.
"NO!" I scream and fall into Derek's arms crying.
"W-Why?" I ask him through sobs.
"Baby, look at me," He says.
I shake my head no, but he lifts my head and uses his index and thumb to lift my chin.
"He's out of pain, he's safe now. Ok? He can't get harmed any more." He says and I cry more.
"It will get better," he soothes.
"No! It won't! I have no children to spoil now!" I say through sobs.
"Penelope! Please! Just listen to me! My mother passed away when I was 13! It does get better or else I wouldn't be here! I'd be in my apartment with 50 billion pizza boxes scattered around the place, crying my heart out. But I'm not! Because it does get better."
"Reid," a doctor says.
I slowly remove my face from Morgan's shoulder and wipe away the hair that is glued to my face.
"Please God! Please let Spencer live," I whisper.
"He lost a lot of blood." The doctors starts.
"The gun shot unfortunately killed him."
"NOOOO!" I scream.
Everyone lets the tears fall. Even hotch and Rossi. But that's when I didn't see JJ.
"Wh-Where's J-J?" I ask as more tears fall.
"She left af-after Henry, Henry's news c-came." Emily says hugging Hotch tighter.
"I'm going to go and, and look for her." Rossi says walking out the doors.
Please let JJ be ok.

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