Found her

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Reid's POV
After a long day of paper work I finally get to go home to my fiancé and soon to be son. I pick up my coat and keys and jog to the elevator.
"Pretty boy's in a rush tonight!" Morgan hollers and jogs after me.
"Yeah 'cause I wanna see my girl!" I respond and press the down button.
"Oh blondie finally forgave you! If I can say a couple words of advice they'd be don't let that woman go. She's one of a kind and it won't find anybody that comes nearly as close to her." He pats me on the shoulder.
The metal doors finally open and we both walk in. He presses the lobby button and we wait in silence.
He finally speaks up,"So how did you propose to JJ?"
"Well after we had our first fight, I begged her to come home and she did. While we were waiting Henry and I wrote out 'will you marry me' in rose pedals. When she came home she looked down at them and while she was reading it I walked in and got down on one knee and she said yes." I told him reliving the moment in my head.
"Why? Are you thinking of proposing to Garcia?" I asked with a smile playing on my lips.
"Yeah. She's just the perfect woman for me, she's funny, she's loving, curvy, beautiful, smart, and man oh man can she read me." He starts chuckling.
"So...." I drag out.
"I think I'm going to propose."
"Finally!" I say and pretend to praise the lord.
"Shut up, it took you pretty long to propose too!" He says a slaps my shoulder.
"How'd you even know I proposed?"
"Cause Penelope told me, plus you told me the next day." He responds and lightly slaps himself on the head.
"Oh yeah."
"Wow Mr. Identic Memory is losing his mind!" Morgan jokes.
The elevator doors finally open and we step out.
"Night pretty boy!" He waves goodbye.
"Night muscles!" I tease and wave him goodbye.
When I finally get home I knock on the door for some odd reason instead of just walking in.
JJ opens the door and let's me in.
"Uncle Spence!" Henry cheers and gives me a big, huge hug.
"Welcome home Spence," JJ says and a kiss on my lips.
"Just so you know, I never didn't love you," I whisper against her lips and kiss her once again.
"I never didn't love you too," she breaks away.
"So what's for dinner?" I ask and clap my hands together.
"Whatever you want to make," she smiles.
"Seriously? I just return home from work and I have to cook? There's something wrong there!" I joke.
"Fine, fine, fine. I'll order pizza." Just at that moment I hear a slight bark.
"Did you guys ever find that dog?" I ask.
"Nope. After you left we went to bed." Henry says.
"Well I think I just did." I say and open the front door. Sitting prettily on the front step is a sopping wet Stella.
"Get in here," I say sternly and point to the mat in front of the door.
She obeys my orders and JJ runs upstairs to grab a towel.
"When did it rain?" Henry asks.
"That's a good question," I reply not taking my eyes off the dog.
"Here," JJ says and throws me a towel.
I run the dog dry and she lies down in her crate.
"Mommy when did it rain?" Henry asks reverting his eyes to his mom.
"It didn't," JJ states plainly walking over to the mutt that's now sniffing her blanket.
I smell her and it smells nothing like rain. More like oil and garbage.
"Get a toat were washing this thing. It didn't get wet by rain, it smells of oil and garbage.
I go into the garage and grab a big orange toat and fill it with hose water. JJ brings out boiled water to mix with the cool hose water while Henry puts the dog on her leash and walks her outside onto the cool cement floor. I pick Stella up and put her into the water.
She cries out in fear and spreads her legs and puts the on the side of the toat.
"It's ok girl." I soothe and push her legs into the water gently.
We don't have any dog soap so we end up using regular shampoo that we use for our hair.
After an hour of scrubbing her fur clean she finally smells half decent. I towel dry her and take her inside to lie down.
Henry went to bed an hour ago and JJ was seated on the couch watching Sponge Bob.

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