The one and only...

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Garcia's POV
"Ok. That truck belongs to the one and only-OH MY GOD!" I gasp out in shock.
"Garcia what is it!" Hotch practically yells into the phone.
I don't respond.
"Garcia!" He shouts again. 
"Jason Gideon," I respond quietly.
"So your telling me, the man that was murdered, who we inspected his murder is not dead?"
"Sir, I'm just reading off of a screen. I'm not saying anything but I'm pretty sure that legal papers don't lie." I respond.
"Does he have s gps or anything you can track on him or in the car?" He asked.
I type in some more words but nothing comes up,"Nothing," I sigh.
"Ok does he have an address.
"Umm..... Yes! 24 sylers court!" I say enthusiastically.
"Ok thanks Garcia. Oh and by the way send Morgan in," he says probably smirking.
"Fine," I say glumly and hang up.
"Derek you have to go to the office."
"Yup I heard everything. I'll see you later baby," he says and kisses me on the lips.
"Love you! Be safe!"
"I will, love you too." He says as he leaves.

Morgan's POV
I drove to the office and when I got there everyone was getting into the cars with their vests on.
"Hey whats going on? Don't we need a plan first before we try and catch Gideon? He knows our techniques and everything!" I say.
"Yea! Our plan is to catch him and find out why the hell he took Reid's things!" Hotch yells.
"Woah! Calm down Aaron!" Rossi says.
"I can't calm down Dave, because if I don't get Reid's things back by tomorrow morning when JJ comes in my head will be on a stick!" He shouts again.
"Aaron! Calm down now! We will get his things back!" Emily yells back.
"Now let's go before he leaves his house!" She says and hops in the back of the SUV.
I hop in the passenger seat, Rossi in the back with Emily and Hotch in the front.
We arrive at 24 sylers court shortly after 5 minutes. We hop out of the vehicle and surround the house. Rossi and I going to the back and Morgan and Hotch taking the front.
"FBI! OPEN UP JASON GIDEON," we hear Morgan yell.
I nod at Rossi as a sign for him to open the back door. We see Gideon sitting on the couch while Morgan and Hotch tell him to stand.
He does as told and turns around so they can arrest him.
We put him in the back seat in between Rossi and I.
We take him to the office and we find JJ sitting in her office reading over some files.
"Uh-oh," I say and nod my head in the direction of JJ's office.
"Ok, Morgan take him to the interrogation room. Rossi and Emily go with him, I'll try to talk to her."
*30 minutes later*
I hear the door burst open and JJ walks through pissed as ever.
"Where is that son of a bitch?!" She yells.
I back out of the way and point to the room that Jason is now seated in.
"Where is he!" She yells at him as she slams the door closed.
"Who?" He asked.
"Spencer Reid!" She shouts again.
"I don't know! JJ I wouldn't lie to the FBI! I know better then that!" He pleads.
"I was told to!"
"By who!"
"Hotch you have to stop this! If he doesn't tell her what she wants, she'll be in jail for murder," I say.
"No, she's getting the information we need." He replies turning his head back to the JJ and Gideon.
"I swear to god Jason! Tell me who it was or you will not live to see how ever old your gonna be!" She says and slams her hand down on the table.
"He, he sounded young. Like a 8 year old. He didn't tell me who he was or why he wanted Spencer's things but, he knew the address to here, he knew everyone's names and he knew," he pauses,"he knew you JJ."
"I needed the money!" He says back.
"It was $250 ok? It was good money!"
"So when did you get paid?" She says calmer.
"I didn't. I go tonight." He says.
"What time?"
"7:30 on the dot, or I don't get it." He responds.
"Bitchy eight year old much," she grumbles under her breath.
"We're going Hotch," she says as she walks out of the interrogation room.
It's 7:20 and were sitting in a coffee shop on the east side of town. We've all changed out of our work clothes and into our casual clothes. I'm sitting in the far back corner with Emily so the person doesn't notice me when they come in.
Gideon is seated in the front by the windows alone.
Hotch Morgan and Rossi are sitting in the parking lot in an SUV in hope of catching the kid before he comes in.
We've staged Jason's car in front of the coffee shop so the unsub knows he's here.
The clock strucks 7:29 and I see a shorter figure approaching the doors. He's wearing a camouflaged hoodie, a blue jays baseball cap and black jeans. He swings the left one open and scans he room for Gideon. His eyes settle on the older man and he walks towards him. He sits across from him and takes out a small envelope from his right hand pocket. He slides it across the table and Jason takes the package in his hands and peaks inside of it. He nods his head and stands. Nodding to the young boy before walking out the doors. Emily stands up walking through the back. The boy stands up also about to leave but out of luck when Emily grabs his wrist.
"FBI!" She says and flashes her badge around the room.
He young boy starts flailing around trying to get out of Emily's grasp.
I walk in front of the young boy removing his baseball cap.
His golden locks fall from the hat and his crystal blue eyes shoot down to the ground.
So.......Do you think this boy is actually Henry? Or do you think I'm just pulling your leg? Hehehe!! Sorry it took me so long to update, I wanted to make this chapter really special for you guys!!!

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