Get out

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Reid's POV
I was sitting in bed reading '150 Things You Don't Know About Physics' when Henry bursts through the door with our little fur ball chasing after him.
"Dad! Dad!"
I look up and respond,"Yes little munchkin!"
"Watch this!" Henry says.
Setting my book down and crawling out from underneath the warm comforter I walk over to them.
"Stella sit!" He says in a more serious tone.
"Who named her Stella?" I ask curiously.
"Oh um.....Me and mom." His voice starts to go high and squeaky just like mine when were lying or confessing.
"Did you now?" I ask jokingly.
"Yeah," he looks down to his mismatched socks.
"Anyways, Stella sit!" He says looking back at the Blue Heeler German Shepherd mix. She obeys his orders and sits looking up towards Henry.
"Good girl! Your so smart!" The little blonde boy says and drops to his knees to feed the mutt a Cheerio.
"Wow she's smarter then Spence," I hear a familiar voice say.
I hang my head and sit on the floor with my legs and arms crossed. I furrow my eyebrows and yell,"NO! IM THE SMARTEST PERSON ON THE EARTH! NO ONE CAN BEAT ME IN ANYTHING!" I scream acting like a two year old.
"Yeah," Henry buts in,"Uncle Morgan can beat you in sports!"
"NO!" I yell in my childish voice.
"Nice one Henry!" JJ says and high fives her son.
"You guys are meanies!" I tell them and stuff my face in between my knees and pretend to cry.
"Alright I think he's right. We should go give him a hug." My fiancé tells my soon to be son.
"Okay," he wines.
"I'm sorry Spencey. I only wanted to have fun. I didn't mean any of it. I still love you!" He tells me solemnly.


"Ha! So I am the smartest person ever!" He jumps up and looks down at Henry.
"Oh that's it!" I say and jump on his back!
"Get off you little bum hole!" He exclaims and try's shaking me off but only succeeding in falling on the bed.
"Little ears are in the room! Bad boy!" I say spanking his but.
"Ow! That hurt!" He moans.
"Karate CHOP!" Henry yells and jumps on top of Spencer.
By now Spencer is on his stomach with me on his legs spanking his butt and Henry on his back bouncing up and down.
"Ok. Ok." Spencer yells tapping out.
"Whoooooooo!" Henry and I both cheer jumping off of him and onto the floor.
"You missy have a hard spank!" He laughs rubbing his butt.
"Why do you think Henry is so well behaved?" I joke.
"You didn't!" He exclaims with a shocked expression.
"Only once! And that was when he was 3 and he ran away!" I defend.
"That's called child abuse there Hun!" He whispers.
"What's child abuse?" Henry asks and looks up at Spence.
"Nothin' bud. Nothin'," he responds looking at me with one eyebrow raised.
"Hey where's Stella?" I ask looking around the room.
"Uh that's a good question." Spencer responds jogging out of our room and down the stairs.

Reid's POV

I rush down the stairs and look around the living room. She's not there. There's a shredded up pillow but nothing else. I take 4 more steps and step in a squishy spot. I look down and remove my foot. Great! Just fucking great! Of course I stepped in fucking dog piss!
"For fuck sakes!" I say.
"What!" JJ asks running down the stairs.
"I just stepped in fucking dog piss." JJ bursts into a fit of laughter.
"This isn't funny JJ! Our dog is missing, she shredded a pillow, and she wrecked out white carpet!" I almost yell.
"Our? Our white carpet?"
"Technically it's mine and Will's." She says resting her hands on her hips.
"Whatever just help me find this damn dog before it wrecks anything else that you and Will own." I tell her walking away.
"I hate this." I hear her mumble.
"You hate what?" I ask turning back around and looking at her.
"I hate whenever someone mentions his name you get all bitchy. He never did anything to you! Why do you hate him so much?" She asks starting to get pissed off.
"Oh! So he didn't beat my fiancé or my fiancé's son? He didn't start a fist fight with me? He didn't commit any murders after you two broke up? He didn't send me threats? He didn't trash your fucking apartment? He didn't do shit all?" I start raising my voice towards the end of my sentence.
"Fuck off! If he beat me and Henry it's my fight not yours!" She yells back.
"You know what?"
"What?" I yell back.
"If we fight so much why don't you just pack your shit up and get the hell out of my house now!"
"Fine and I thought it was yours and Will's?" I scream at her.
"Get the fuck out now!"
"I'm quitting the burrow and leaving fucking Quantico!" I yell and go upstairs and pack my shit in a bag and grab my coat and shoes. I open the door and flip the bird at her before slamming the door close.

Hi! Yeah I know all of you are going to hate me now but I have some good chapters coming up!😆
Comment if you want a sex scene if they get back together!

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