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Emily's POV
I look up into JJ's office and see her and who I assume is Henry hugging.
I small smile tugs at the ends of my lips.
I strong pair of hands wrap around my waist and I immediately relax knowing its my boyfriend.
"It's so nice to see that she finally has her boy back isn't it," Aaron says.
"Yeah," I say and rub my belly.
He turns me around and looks at me in my eyes.
"Are you.." He trails off.
"Yes!" I say.
"Really!" He asks excitedly.
"Yes Aaron your going to be a father!"
"I'm gonna have a child with the love of my life!" He smiles and passionately kisses me.
We lean our foreheads against one another's and smile.
"I love you so much," he says.
"Not as much as I love you," I smile.
"Boss man gettin some!" Morgan hollers.
"Shut up Morgan!" He yells back.

"Hey! What's all the commotion about! Get back to work!" Henry yells.
We all burst out into a fit of laughter.
"Hey little buddy, that's Hotch's job!" Rossi says smiling.
"Not anymore!" He responds and laughs.
"Anyways," Emily says,"Hotch and I have some news!" She says excitedly.
"Carry on," Henry smirks.
"Hey!" I say,"Just because your back doesn't mean that you can be a smart ass!"
"Language!" Henry says pointing his index finger up at me.
"Emily and I are," Hotch pauses.
"We're pregnant!" He smiles.
"Hey I'm pregnant! Your not!" Emily snuggles into his chest.
"Yay!!! I'm going to have a friend!" Henry claps.
"Also, my little munchkin here has some news!"
"I'm back!" He screams.
"Oh good god!" Hotch jokes.
"Hey! Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't hurt you!" Henry says folding his arms across his chest.
"Now that's a deal breaker!" Morgan laughs.
"We can't have no mini boss man running around the Jareau house!"
"Reid house," I whisper.
"Just because he's gone doesn't mean I go back to my maiden name." I say louder.
"Oh, um sorry," Morgan apologizes.
I nod my head and walk back into my office, closing the fort behind me.
I sit down and put my head on my desk.
I let all my emotions out. I start crying. Every time I hear his name I cry! Even though it's been a month and three days since his passing I still haven't gotten used to the fact that he's not coming back!
A knock sounds on my door breaking me from my thoughts. I sit up straight, wipe my face and open a file pretending to read it.
"You know you don't have to pull that stuff on me," Garcia says.
"What are you talking about," I ask pretending to be confused.
"I know how you feel. The only people you love being taken away from you for life. Feeling lost, alone and afraid. I know how you feel JJ. You don't have to hide your emotions around me." She says.
"I miss him so much," I say as tears start to form in my eyes again.
"I know you do. And I know you don't really want to hear this right now but it does get better. Eventually you heal and you realize that they were taken for a reason. You start to heal but you never forget. You never forget the day they were taken, you never forget the day of their funeral and you never forget them. Their always with you JJ." She says starting to choke up.
"Promise me one thing please," I say.
"Anything," she says.
"Don't ever let Henry see me like this. I want him to think of his mother as a strong person."
"But if you don't let him see your emotions he will never see the real you."
"I know but, but I can't let him see me like this. I'm a wreck and a tear stained hippie!" I say.
"A tear stained hippie," she repeats,"You always have the most creative sayings!" She chuckles.
"I'm pretty creative when I want to be!" I smile.
"I will never let him see you like a tear stained hippie! But I will let him see you shed a few tears every once in a while!" She smiles back.
"Deal!" I say.

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