I Do

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I rush to my car and throw all my stuff in the passengers seat. I pull out of the parking lot and drive as fast as I can home. I get there in less than ten minutes. I open the door of my car and run through the front door of our house. I yell out to Spence and Henry, but in return I get no response. I look down and notice I'm standing on some red flower pedals that spell out 'will you marry me?'. I feel tears starting to form in my eyes and look up the slightest bit to see Spencer down on one knee. I look at his hands which are holding an open black box with a silver ring with a big diamond in the middle and little ones spreading out down the left and right side of the finger part.
"What do you say mommy?" Henry asks.
I totally forgot about him. I rush over and wrap him in a big hug.
"I've missed you," he whispers in my ear.
"Me too honey." I say crying.
I stand back up and hold Henry's hand and walk back over to Spence.
"So.. what do you say?" He asks.
"I do," I say barely audible.
"Pardon me," Henry says.
I chuckle a little,"I do," I repeat.
"Good." Reid speaks.
"I'll look away so you two can kiss and hug and do all of that mushy stuff." Henry says and turns around with a smile.
We both laugh and Spence picks me up and kisses me like never before. Not only was it a 'I love you so much' kiss but it was also a 'What took us so long?' kiss. I smile against his lips and pull away.
"Jennifer Reid," I say,"Its got a nice ring to it!" I say smiling at him.
"Just like your finger mommy!" Henry says running in between Spence and I and pulling both of us in for a family hug.
"I love you guys." We all say together.

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