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     I heard 2 more gun shots as I ran down the stairs. Feeling a surge of anger rush over me I run faster only to be crushed by the scene of my son lying in the corner of the hall with one bullet hole in his stomach.
     I look around and find Will lying on the living room carpet with a red pool around his head.
     At that moment my whole world freezes. I fall to the floor and curl up into a little ball. Images of Spencer lying unconscious on our bedroom floor, Henry lying in the corner with a gun shot in his stomach, Will lying on our carpet in a pool of his own blood, my father lying in that hospital bed as the heart monitor goes flat, and finally my mother telling me she loves me before closing her eyes as cancer killed her last body cells.
      Why does everyone I care so much about have to be taken away from me? Why does God always have to take people from me? Why does God always make me suffer? Why does my life have to be torn apart? Why does my life already have to crumble under my feet? Why do I always take the beating?
      Everything I have worked so hard to get, to deserve, to have, to love is now gone.
      It's always me. Always me.

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