What Now?

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I pull into Emily's apartment complex's driveway and shut off my car. I take a shaky breath and wipe at the tears that threaten to fall. I finally decide to get out and walk into the foyer. I keep my head low so people don't see the makeup smeared all over my face.

Please don't be Reid! Please, please, please, I think to myself.

'Hey you here?' Thank god it was Emily. I don't think I can stand seeing Spencer's name and picture ever again.
'Yeah in elevator' I text back.
I click the back arrow to check my other conversations when I 'accidentally' tap on his name. I look at the picture and smile a sad, hopeless smile as I look at his silly photo. His adorable face with his tongue sticking out and fingers pulling at the sides of his eyes. I wipe away the single tear that fell onto the screen. Why did he have to cheat on me? Our relationship was going so good, and then that slut ruined it! He's probably banging her right- no he wouldn't do that to Henry. He loves him too much. Poor Henry he loved us being together so much and I did too. But fates fate.
I walk out into the hall and knock on Emily's door.

"Hey." She says and wraps me in a tight, warm hug.
I start crying before I can even get one word out.

Spencer's POV
"Where's mommy?" Henry asks me. Only if I had pulled away from that chick sooner then, he wouldn't be in this mess.
"Dad?" Did he just call me dad? He probably only said it cause he's lost. No mom, no real dad, no grandparents, no real blood aunts or uncles. The only person he's got is JJ. Now he doesn't even have her now.

I read the message one more time.
"I don't know bud. I don't know." I respond sadly looking down at the poor blonde boy looking back at me with pain in his eyes.

It's all my fault. Damn you Reid! Fuck! Why is it always me that screws things up?! Always fucking me! I pound my fist on the wall in frustration. Henry backs away from me and looks at me with once sadness and now fright.
"I'm sorry buddy. I'm just scared and worried about mommy."
He runs up to me and hugs me tighter then ever before.
"What now?" He asks through sobs.
"I don't know buddy."

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