Freezie Time!

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After the proposal I decided to call Emily Penelope and Kate to see if they could meet me at the mall. I tried to sound as sad as possible so that when I told them the news their reactions would be twice as good!
"Spence! I'm heading out with the girls! You and Henry are on your own for dinner!"
"K I'm having Derek over for a little bit! Don't be shocked if we're not here when you come back," he yells down the stairs.
"K love you!"
"Wait! Wait!" He yells running down the stairs Henry at his heels.
"What? what?" I ask mimicking him with a smirk.
"You can't leave your new fiancé without a kiss and hug!" He exclaims wrapping me in a hug and kissing me passionately.
Even though we've been together for five months I still get butterfly's each time our lips connect.
He starts moving his hands from my face down my cheeks to my hips and down just a little bit further till he's just about touching my butt.
"Woah! Little eyes are in the room!" I say stepping away.
"Hey I'm five now! I'm not dat little!" Henry frowns staring up at me.
"No you're not! You're my big boy!" I say kneeling down until I'm at his height.
"I love you!" I tell him. Putting my thumb under his chin. I kiss him and grab my keys off the kitchen counter and walk to the door.
"Love you mommy!" My two boys say waving goodbye at me.

Henry's POV
After mommy left Dad asked me if I wanted to go out with him and Uncle Derek.
"Yeah!" I say and run up to him and ask for a piggyback.
"If you can catch me little man!" He laughs and runs up the stairs.
"I'm pretty fast for a five year old!" I yell and run after him.
About 5 minutes later I give up on catching Spencer and go up to my room. I open my dresser drawer and pull out a baby blue T-Shirt. I take off my pajama shirt and put it on. I open my bottom drawer and pull out some purple jeans. I change into them quickly and hop down the stairs. When I reach the bottom I run over to the freezer and pull out two red freezies. Spency and mines favourite! I attempt to open them put fail. I run over to him and give him the puppy eyes and hold up the freezies innocently.
"Pwease," I beg.
"I thought you'd never ask!" He responds picking me up and carrying me over to the kitchen and setting me down on the counter.
He grabs the scissors from the drawer and takes the freezies from my cold hands. He cuts them open and sucks out the left overs from the top.
"You are mine!" I say crossing my arms in front of my chest.
"I'm sorry!" He says,"Next time you can have both of ours!"
"Yay!" I shout and jump off the counter and taking my freezie from his hand.
"What do you say!"
"Thank you Henry!" Dad says smiling down at me.
"Don't tell your mom!" He whisper shouts at me
"Our little secret!" I respond.

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