I love you my baby star

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Please listen to the music while reading this. I think the music is a perfect match for this final chapter!❤️ this song makes me cry so much when I hear it.
*nine months later*
It's been nine months since I got Henry back. Everything is back to normal, or as normal as it can be.
We were sitting in the couch snuggled up in a warm blanket, watching Lonnie Toons. It's now December and Christmas is approaching. I'm not looking forward to it and neither is Henry. We only wish we could spend it with Spence. Have a normal Christmas, like all the normal family's.
We just sat there. Watching the images on the screen change every few seconds. The only noise filling the room were the voices of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.
"Mom?" Henry breaks the silence.
"Yes baby?" I ask.
"What if I forget about him? He's my dad and I can barely remember what he looks like.... I don't wanna forget his face, or his voice or even his lectures, but what if I do?" He asks
I swallow a lump in my throat before replying," You'll never forget him baby, he'll always be with you in your heart. Just think about it. You now have a guardian angel watching over you, protecting you." I moisten my lips before continuing,"And even if you do forget his voice, if you listen quietly you can hear him talking to you, telling you he loves you and how much he wishes he could be here with you." I finish as one tear falls onto his shirt.
He turns so he's now facing me," Hey don't cry. He wouldn't want you to cry. He would want you to be happy again. He would want you to laugh and show that beautiful smile of yours. He's always with you in here," I say poking his chest gently.
"Never forget that."
"Please don't ever leave me," he whispers.
"I will never leave you," I kiss his forehead.
"Promise?" He asks, his blues sparkling with tears.
"Promise," I say before pulling him into my lap and snuggling closer.
"I love you my baby star."
what are you waiting for is now over! The next story will be up in 30-60 minutes! I will post it on my page and send it to all my followers! I will also post it in here so watch for an update!! The new book is called Smoke In The Rain! @addicted2tv (Instagram) made it for me, and may I just say it's AWESOME! Very plain but awesome! Anyways my little maniacs Smoke In The Rain will be up shortly! That's it for now! I really hope you enjoyed What Are You Waiting For and I hope you enjoy the sequel!

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