Jeid and Morcia!

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Chapter 7

*the next day at work*

I walked into the bau and walked into my office. I turned to face the door to close it when I felt someone put their hands around my waist. I immediately react and elbow them in the gut! I hoof them in the private area with my heel. I turn around to arrest them and see my new boyfriend lying on the ground yelling "STOP JJ IT'S ME!"

"Oh my god!! Spence are you ok? I'm so sorry I thought it was...." I can't say his name.
"Will?" He asks in a soft tone.
"Yeah." I say and start tearing up.
"It's ok JJ I'm here now!"
"I know! And your so much better then him!" I say and peck him on the lips.
"It's ok!"
"No it's not! How can I make it up to you?" I ask devilishly.
"I have a few ideas!" He says with a smirk.
"Hey JEID!" Garcia beams.
"Jeid?" Spence and I say.
"It's a ship name! Anyways I was wondering if you two lovebirds could come to Rossi's house tonight for a celebration!"
"Yeah! Sounds fun!"
"And were not a thing by the way!" Reid and I say at the same time.
"Don't even try to hide it from the Oracle Of All Knowing!"
"Fine but don't tell anyone!" I say.
"There's no one to tell it to sweetie!" She says and gives me a cheeky smile.
"You didn't!" I say.
"Nope! Morgan and I did!"
"Oohh! Morcia much!"
"Alright JEID that's enough for now! Ill see you two later!" She says and skips out of my office.
"Morcia?" Spence asks," how'd you think of that so fast? Even I couldn't think that fast!" He exclaims.
"Girls know what each other are going to say! I had time!"
Sorry it's short!! But I hope you still liked it anyways!:)

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