Why Me?

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Chapter 4

"Henry,"the doctor starts,"Henry is in a coma." He says with a look of sorry crossing his face.
I don't get this! Why does it have to be my kid? Why do bad things always happen to me? I be so strong and then my Henry is put in a coma! I wish I could just restart my life sometimes!
"I don't get it!" I say angrily,"what put him into a coma?"
"JJ calm down." Spence says. But I can't! I just don't understand why it's always ME! First I lost my husband then I lost my baby and now my one and only child is in a coma!
"We don't know," Doctor Perst says.
"What do you mean you don't know," Spence asks with a tad of anger in his voice. "How can you not know what put Henry into a coma?"
"We believe he fell and hit his head off of one of his toys or the ground."
"That's impossible because I would've heard the noise!" I state.
"We will look more into it and if we find anything out we will contact you right away," he says and walks off before I can say anything.
"Wait," the doctor says and turns back around," was Henry having breathing problems at all? Ever?"
"Once, but he was only a......" I was cut off by the sound of an alarm coming from room 173.
"Doc! Something is going on with patient jareau!"
"Oh god! That's my baby!" I scream through tears.
"Wait right here Ms.Jareau! Ill be right back," the doctor says quickly and runs off!
I start pacing back and forth thinking what could've possibly went wrong in that room. 'What if he died' NO! JJ don't think like that! I mentally slap myself for thinking like that.
I keep hearing my name but I don't respond I'm too scared to know.
"JJ," spence shakes me slightly.
"Wh-what happened to Henry?" I ask.
"The doctor said he's awake but..." I cut spence off and jog to his room. I burst through the doors and see my baby lieing limply in his uncomfortable bed.
"Mommy?" Henry asks almost whispering.
"Yeah baby it's me."
"Mommy where is I?" He asks.
"Your at the hospital, these people are going to take care of you." I say pointing to the nurses and the doctor.
"How long wiw I be in here for?"
"Until your healthy to go home."
"Which you are right now, little man!" The doctor says giving Henry and I a soft smile.
"But you gotta promise me one thing, ok?"
"Otay!" Henry answers.
"You gotta get lots of sleep and no wild stuff for a while okay?"
"Got it!" Henry says attempting to climb out of bed but getting told by the nurse to stay lieing down.

While signing the departure papers I see Henry and Spence laughing and playing. I can't help myself! I start laughing too! I only wish Spence would ask me out again! Like a redo date!

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