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Alexander Pierce watched as the numbers of the elevator went up until it stopped on the last one. To anyone else, they'd simply think they'd reached the top floor, but they were wrong. Swiping his ID card over the reader, the elevator once again whirred into life, going up to the very top of the building where no one except his good self was allowed. And even then visits such as this were a limited privilege.

The doors opened and, with the blueprints tucked under his arm, he walked into the apartments that were in habited by the man who called the shots on everything.

He was never seen, and if he was then his face would always be covered by his helmet. Everyone who worked at the building where Hydra operated were fully aware of Captain Hydra's identity. But to others outside of the organisation? He remained anonymous. That was how he liked it. No one had truly set eyes on his face in years, only Pierce when he visited. These were the Captain's Private apartments and office. No one else but himself had access.

He still looked the same as he did back in the forties. Even after decades, Captain Steve Rogers hadn't aged – his super solider genetics allowing him to do so, but at a far slower rate than average. This had been an advantage for Hydra. 

Walking in further, Pierce noted the tall figure by the window, staring out over the city and sipping on some wine. "Alexander..." he said smoothly, not bothering to turn around. "Tell me you have some good news?"

Alexander nodded. "I do Captain, you're going to be a very happy man..."

"I'll be the judge of that when I hear what you have for me." Steve sipped his wine as Pierce came to stand next to him.

"Project Insight...they are in full agreement that we should go ahead and start building. Stark himself came up with the designs and technology that'll be incorporated into it..." He now walked to the table, spreading the proposed plans for three hellicarriers out onto the table. "Work is to begin immediately."

Steve turned away from the window and came to look at the plans, nodding his approval after looking them over. "And our agents on the inside know of this?" He glanced up from the table and threw an expectant look to Alexander.

"They soon will, and mostly those are the people who will be working to make this happen. They'll simply await your instruction when the time comes to put it to use."

Silently, Steve nodded once more. "All the more cause for a celebration then."

"I'll have my assistant make the plans." Pierce told him. "She's very efficient."

"To be in this organisation you have to be. Otherwise there's no surviving." 

This was true. 

Pierce looked at him. "And will you be watching the celebration, Captain?"

Steve chuckled lowly. "I'm always watching Alexander. Even when you least expect it."

Because that wasn't intimidating at all...

Rogers was an intimidating man though. All the Captain had to do was look at someone and the fear would rise inside of them – Pierce had seen faces drain quicker than a bathtub filled with water. No one wanted to be on the wrong side of him, and those who had been? Well, the bottom line was that they hadn't lived to tell the tale.

It wasn't so much the temper that the Captain could have, but it was also the calm demeanour. That was the scariest. No one could read his face until it was too late. "And how goes the Winter Solider program?" Pierce dared to ask. "I understand they've gained more recruits?"

Any Hydra agent who showed a certain level of potential was given the opportunity of a 'promotion'. This being that they were sent to Siberia to be trained up, and ultimately brainwashed in the process. They were vast becoming the secret army that Hydra was building, but to find those kinds of agents took time.

"Two, according to Bucky – they're certainly becoming more skilled, and that's before they head on over there." Steve replied and walked to the bar, pouring Alexander a drink and refilled his own glass. "Now all we need to do is put more agents into SHIELD, and get these built quickly, because I don't know about you? But I'm running out of patience."

And he wasn't a patient man at the best of times.

"They will take time Captain..."

Steve's head whipped around with a glare. "Then hurry it along as much as you can! We've waited fucking years – decades even for an opportunity like this! Now we have the right resources, we need to get this done!"

"And we will, but for it to be efficient we need to do it right" Pierce knew when to reason with the Captain, and when to not. "We rush things, and it could go not as planned, then we're back to square one all over again."

Steve's grip around the glass tightened, Alexander wondering whether the thing would smash in his hands. It was more fragile in the hands of a super solider. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath in and then looked to Alexander again. "Yes...of course..." Once again he was calm, even if he felt like he'd erupt into a rage on the inside. "We've waited this long, what's another year?"

Alexander sipped the drink that he'd been given, "Have we decided who the main targets will be?"

Steve laughed, "I should think by now there are some who are obvious. Stark for one, Fury...the Avengers are top of that list, anyone who opposes us and what we stand for. We can't afford to miss anyone out." 

"A lot of people then..."

Steve downed his drink. "Yep. We're looking at 20 Million tops." And then smiled darkly. "And it'll be worth it Pierce. Trust me."

"I already do Captain," and raised his glass. "Hail Hydra."

"Hail Hydra."

Finishing the rest of his drink, Pierce rolled up the plans and popped them back under his arm. "I'm going to get these to Triskelion and then have my assistant begin preparations for the celebration."

Steve said nothing and resumed his position by the window, deep in thought once more as he looked out at the city. Everything was starting to come together. Something such as this had been years in the making.

Now Hydra were ready to rise, and they would finish what they started back during the war. Once upon a time Steve had been the one to stop them, and every time the thought passed his mind he felt disgusted by it. 

If it hadn't have been for Hydra pulling him from the ice and 'nursing' him back to health, so to speak, then he'd have been lost to the frozen waters forever.  The man who had gone into the ice had been young and naïve, too much of a good boy when he thought about it - but the one who came out of it? He had a purpose, asserting his dominance immediately. 

He was the one who made the decisions. The one who people had learnt not to cross.

It was good to be feared. It only meant that his control over the organisation was one that was taken seriously.

That was enough for him. 

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