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Jasper Sitwell's pace quickened as he entered headquarters and stood in front of the elevator, foot nervously tapping whilst he waited to get inside. Underneath his arm was the file that was the cause of his rising stress within him.

It had been a find that he hadn't been expecting to make, and now he jabbed the button that would take him up to Alexander Pierce's office. "Come on, come on..." he muttered as he encouraged the elevator to go faster. Once the doors were open he was hurrying down the hallway and almost scared the secretary's new assistant from where she sat behind her computer.

"I need to speak with the Secretary as a matter of urgency." He told her.

She nodded and put a call through, Alexander telling her to send him through.

Jasper wasted no time and once the door was closed, he chucked the file onto Pierce's desk. "Read it." Was all he instructed.

Alexander threw him a suspicious look but opened the file anyway, sitting back in his chair before exhaling deeply. "Oh dear me...the Captain will not like this..." he tutted and looked back up at Jasper. "How did you come across this?"

"I was going through some files at Triskelion. I wanted to know more on Anders but came up with nothing. So I looked through inactive files to check whether it had been put in there and found her..." he sighed. "We had the wrong person..."

Pierce nodded in agreement - this was going to be one big mess both physically and mentally. "And I now know why Fury recommended her. She's been under our noses all this time, earnt a place in the Captain's bed...who knows what she's uncovered and told Nick, especially with free access to the Captain himself...shit!" He cursed and ran his hands down his face in frustration. 

Wren Reed was an agent, and a good one at that. Of course no one would have suspected her. 

"So what do we do?" Sitwell asked, hands in pockets while he paced by the window.

Already Pierce was picking up his phone. "Summon the Captain, let him deal with Miss Reed as he sees fit, but he's going to be in a worse rage than ever. Take a seat Sitwell, he'll want to speak with you...Ah Captain, there's been a rather worrying development – I'll need you to come and see me in my office...no, but it concerns Miss Reed...yes...see you soon." And put the phone down. "Anyone who slanders Miss Reed's name is his target, he won't be pleased I've told him it's about her, but it has to be done. Her luck has run dry."

Steve threw the door open to Pierce's office and slammed it behind him, seeing Sitwell and Pierce both looking at him. "Captain, thank you for coming down..." Pierce greeted him curtly. 

"This better be worth my time Alexander." He had enough on his plate without being summoned for something petty. No doubt it was about the Hydra heir that he was still trying to drum into him. Pierce never seemed to be backing down on that subject. "You said it concerns Miss Reed so out with it." Already becoming impatient.

Alexander nodded to Sitwell who passed Steve the file. "I found it in the inactive section of SHIELD's files."

Steve looked at the file, the anger building as he saw the word AGENT and Wren's picture staring back at him. "You've gotta be shitting me!" He roared. "How the fuck was this not found sooner!" He slammed Sitwell against the wall. "She's a fucking agent in the organisation you're undercover in! How could you miss this!"

"She's a good agent sir..." Sitwell stammered. "She clearly set up the man who we thought was the traitor to throw us off the scent!"

Steve was so angry that he punched a hole into the wall next to Sitwell's head, the crack sounding painfully as it appeared running up from the hole and down to the floor. "That little bitch! I'm going to take her neck and snap it in two!"

She'd crawled her way into his life, into his bed. It was witchcraft and he'd been under her spell. All the while she'd been feeding Fury with information and god knows how much. 

"Let me deal with this!" Taking the file he stormed out and back to the apartment.

"WREN!" He roared

She quickly emerged from the office and immediately was against the wall by her neck. Steve's grip beginning to squeeze tighter. "You're a fucking SHIELD agent! You devious little bitch!" His hand grasped tighter as she struggled against him for breath.

He let go and all but threw her to the floor, chucking the file on the ground, papers spilling everywhere. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you!" He yelled furiously. She said nothing, head still bowed as his voice thundered around the apartment  "TELL ME WREN!"

Wren knew this day would come, Steve was bound to find out eventually and now she needed to accept her fate. But still, she couldn't help but laugh. 

And she did.

She laughed hard and loud, gathering the papers and standing up again, smiling cunningly at him. "Because you love me, whether you like it or not."

"I don't love you." He sneered. "How the fuck could I love a woman who has been working undercover to expose me and my organisation!"

All the while she laughed and then calmed after a while, letting out a small and rather pitiful sigh. "Oh dear, so you finally found out why I came here – I must admit that I didn't think I was able to pull this off for long, but then you provided me with the opportunity that I needed."

Once again she was against the wall, Steve pinning her arms painfully against it. "What does Fury know." He growled.

She didn't flinch, didn't cry. There was no fear in her eyes to tell him that she was scared of dying, or the fact that it would be by his hand. She showed no emotion at all. Her face was just blankly staring back at him. "Lies."

"What the fuck do you mean?" His grip on her was so hard that already bruises were forming on her arms.

"My loyalty to SHIELD was over from the moment I met you, I've lied for you! Kept every secret! I was supposed to unmask you but still Nick Fury knows NOTHING of your identity, nothing about the true intentions of Project Insight! I've been feeding him false information from the start and why? Because everything I've done has been for you!" She screamed back at him.

He stared coldly at her. "You had me kill one of my own."

Wren snorted. "Anders was the perfect cover up. It was enough to keep me here for longer to be with you. I had everything to lose! And I wasn't about to let anything stand in my way when it came to losing you. I enjoyed every damn moment watching the life drain from him! I feel nothing Steve! I feel nothing at all!" 

He slammed her harder against the wall as she carried on. "This is who you've turned me into! Who I've become! You made me like this Steve, you said so yourself that I had begun to think like you, and it's because I've opened my eyes and seen just why you are doing what you're doing. I understand your goal and more importantly? I understand you. One thing I won't lie about is my love for you. I will never lie or deny it – that is my truth."

Steve's eyes bore into her own searching her for any signs or traces of more impending betrayal. 

She was telling the truth... 

He knew her well enough to know by now that she had truly changed. She'd turned into him. No remorse, no regrets. She had become just as cold and calculated – and she liked it.

"Go on...kill me..." She challenged.

"On your knees." He pushed her forcefully to the floor and plucked his shield from his back so he was ready to put it to use. "Where does your allegiance lie little bird? Where does it lie really?"

She smirked and now looked up at him from her lashes. "Look at my brooch Steve...you are my allegiance – it will always be you; you can burn me alive like the witch that I am, but whether you choose to believe me, and my loyalty? That is something that you have to decide."

"Say it!" He thundered, "Pledge. Your. Allegiance!"

Wren's lip curled as her eyes fixed on his, the hushed words hitting him as he raised his shield ready to fall upon her, ending her life once and for all with one strike. That was all it would take.

"Hail. Hydra."

The shield then fell...

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