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She was there for his enjoyment.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

Even after he'd literally choked her, Wren was still determined to see it through. Her punishment had meant that her knees were constantly bruised from having to kneel to give her 'pledge of allegiance' as he'd dubbed it. Her makeup was usually ruined afterwards. He'd take her raw because he was impatient and couldn't wait. 

Just hearing her scream told him enough.

She'd learnt her lesson after a week.

Even now Steve watched her work, remembering the pained look in her eyes when he'd threatened her. He wasn't used to someone testing him, especially a woman who he found was beginning to consume his thoughts at every waking moment.

Had he been to harsh?

Perhaps, but it had been needed. He refused to get too close to her but still his body had yearned for her touch.

It yearned for her

No matter how hard he tried to shake his thoughts from him, she'd haunt his dreams, and on the loneliest of nights he'd had to stop himself from summoning her, to feel her presence.

It still lingered on after she would leave. The smell of her perfume seemed to be everywhere he went.

It was sending him mad. She was sending him mad. Making him question and reconsider things he'd never had cause to before. Such as the subject that was on his mind now.

"How devoted are you to Hydra, Wren?" He asked her. "To me?"

She looked up from her desk, face a little pale. "Very sir...why do you ask?"

"If I was to tell you that Hydra needed an heir...would you agree to it?"

"An heir sir?"

"You know what I mean." He shot her a look, wanting to know if she was as loyal to the cause as she deemed herself to be.

Wren swallowed. "If it was essential to the smooth running of the organisation in the future, then yes sir." Her reply a little robotic, but at the same time the nerves were rising inside of her.

Was this another part of her punishment? To be bred? He was a super solider and she was just a normal woman. How would it work? Would the child possess his enhancements? It seemed as though he was now thinking about the next generation, starting with a child who would pick up the mantle from him when the time came.

This couldn't be anymore messed up.

He seemed to accept her answer with a nod, all the while in a thinking state that he did when he was planning something big.

And this was.

Project Insight was within arm's reach and after completion, then bigger and better plans were to be had. At least he was safe in the knowledge that she would undertake a task. But he needed her alive. Steve had thought long and hard about it, and the only way to ensure her life and a child's would be safe was to steer away from a natural birth. The risk that she would be lost was a high one, and he couldn't afford to take any chances.

He'd not made up his mind as to what he would do just yet, but for future reference, he had her confirmation. The thoughts of her stomach swollen with a new life of his inside her was making him feel more feral than ever.

He couldn't fight it. 

He had to have her. 

"Come here..." He beckoned

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