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2 months later

"Any other business?" Alexander asked as he looked around the table at the men who were present for the meeting that had been called. He had half expected the Captain to join them so as he could see just how much progress was being made within Hydra. They were well on their way achieving their goal; however it seemed the Captain had decided against sitting in. He was a busy man and had been for the last couple of months. 

There had been changes and Pierce had wanted to question them at first, but regardless of whether he did, then his thoughts would not be taken in account. "None, good – now for the last subject on our agenda...Project Insight" Pierce carried on, immediately there were hushed whispers from around the table as he silenced them all. "Building of the third and final hellicarrier is almost complete. Zola's Algorithm has been uploaded to Lemurian Star and it will be a matter of weeks before we can finally put our plan into action."

He brought up pictures of the hellicarriers as well as the ship that was a mobile control for the satellites.

"The Winter soldier's will be deployed soon, there are key SHIELD figures that we need to take out – Nick Fury being one of them."

"We have a few agents following him, his schedule can sometimes change so we need to be sure of where he is and at what times." Sitwell added.

The door opened and everyone immediately stood up as Steve walked in and looked around at them. "Captain, I didn't think that you would be joining us..." Pierce said.

"Seeing as everyone is in attendance I thought it was a good time." Steve replied, shooting a look to Alexander. "I trust that everything is going according to plan?"

"Like clockwork Captain." Pierce nodded. "Sitwell is also meeting with Senator Stern this afternoon about how we can make our way more into the government. It will be our next move after this is completed." He gestured to the pictures of Project Insight. "I believe the Winter soldiers would be of use in that area – setting up little 'accidents' here and there so we can take one official and replace it with our own."

Steve nodded. "It's a good idea, but one we will talk of later." And looked around at the men sat at the table.

Sitwell now spoke. "We have not seen you for some time Captain, I understand you went to Siberia?"

"I did, because I had to deal with a matter that was rather urgent as you and Pierce already know about, however the rest of the men present here do not..." Steve told him and shifted slightly so all the attention was turned on him. "There will be someone new at the helm with me. Some to help run Hydra and allow us to flourish for generations to come..."

The officials around the table all looked blankly at one another and then back at the Captain for more clarification.

"You may know her as Miss Reed; however now she is to be addressed by all as Madame Hydra." Steve turned to the doorway. "Sweetheart, you can come in now..."

The men heard the click of heeled boots and eyes widened as Wren walked in, coming to stand beside Steve. Her usual attire had been replaced by a green jacket baring the Hydra brooch that he had given her, dark slim trousers, and boots – a far cry from her skirts and blouses that she had always been seen in.

She was a beautiful sight to behold, but an intimidating one.

Put together they both were. 

Wren's stare was enough to tell the men that she was not just the Captain's plaything anymore. She was his equal, and they would bow down to her and obey her every command as they did with their leader.

Steve hadn't ended her life like he'd been all but ready to. 

He couldn't no matter how much he knew that he should. 

Instead he presented her with another option. She had changed and killing her would have been a loss when she had so much potential. She'd agreed to going to Siberia with him, having her mind wiped of her life before coming to Hydra. No traces of her years as a SHEILD agent were left by the end of it, and instead the new side of Wren thrived more than it had already been doing.

They'd laughed with such satisfaction as they'd smashed her phone, Wren cutting her hand deeply with Steve's pocketknife and covering it in blood. He had written the bloodied message, for good measure, with Sitwell delivering the 'gift' to Fury's office whilst the Director was in a meeting.

The old Wren Reed was gone. Dead to all who knew her.

Madame Hydra was here, and she would be an asset to the organisation and Steve himself..

His companion. His lover. His little bird.

Just as it should be.

Wren silently walked to the table and leant against it, looking up and around at the people present and flashing a small and cunning smile to them all.

"Gentleman...shall we begin?" 



A/N - If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading! I really hope that you all enjoyed this take on Steve. I certainly had a lot of fun writing it. 

Do you want to see Steve and Wren causing some carnage in the future? The door is open for a potential second book  ;)  Let me know! 

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